Sine wave Generator project will provide you with a Sinusoidal Waveform output to test various instruments. You can also use the High quality output from this kit to insert a tone modulation in your audio and RF equipment. This kit is designed using XR2206 IC to provide High Stability and Accuracy.
- Supply input 12 VDC Max @ 50 mA
- Range: Jumper selectable and preset tunable range of 10 Hz – 100 KHz
- Output Level can be controller with onboard preset
- Power-On LED indicator
- Screw terminal connector for easy connection
- PCB dimensions 55 mm x 50 mm
Sinewave Generator – [Link]
The XR2206 IC is very old and was stopped being made by Exar a few years ago. The two largest electronic parts distributors in North America do not have any anymore.
The similar ICL8038 IC that was made by Intersil is also not available anymore.
You are right, it’s obsolete but can be found on ebay. So this project may be useful for someone.
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