A 1″ by 1″ 20msps Oscilloscope based on the PIC32MZ @ hackaday.io by “Mark Omo”. He writes:
This project is designed around a PIC32MZ EF processor. We use its internal ADCs in an interleaved mode in order to get the full 20Msps. We have found that in practice we are able to achieve approximately 1MHz of bandwidth.
The very first thing that happens is our signal goes into a 1M ohm terminator that also divides down our signal by 10X, allowing us to measure signals outside of the rails (up to around 30V Pk-Pk or ±15V). The very next thing that happens is the signal is passed through a pair of diodes connected to the rails that clamps the voltage to the rails preventing damage.
1 Square Inch 20MSPS Oscilloscope – [Link]