2 Phase stepping motor driver is a tiny board based on STK682-010 hybrid IC from ON semiconductor and it can deliver current up to 2.5Amp and has supply up to 32V DC. It has multiple micro-stepping: Full step, 1/2th Step, 1/4th Step, 1/8th Step, 1/16th Step, 1/32th Step, 1/64th Step, 1/128th Step. PR1 trimmer potentiometer is provided to set the decay, 3.5V Slow Decay, 1.1V to 3.1V Mixed Decay, 0.8V-1V Fast Decay, and PR2 Trimmer Potentiometer provided to set the Current.
- Supply Voltage Range 9-32V DC
- Motor Load 2.5A Continues
- On Board LM317 Regulator For 5V DC Logic Supply
- J1, J2, J3 Jumpers for Micro-Stepping
- PR2 Current Adjust Trimmer Potentiometer
- PR1 FDT Adjust Trimmer Potentiometer To Adjust Decay
- Built In Automatic Half Current Maintenance energizing function
- Built in Over Current Protection Circuit (Within IC)
- Built Thermal Shutdown Circuit (Within IC)
2.5A 2Phase Micro-Stepping Stepper Motor Driver – [Link]