The tiny board designed using A3979 IC from ALLEGRO which is complete micro stepping driver with built in translator. The translator is the key to the easy implementation of the A3979. It allows the simple input of one pulse on the STEP pin to drive the motor one micro step, which can be either a full step, half, quarter, or sixteenth, depending on the setting of the MS1 and MS2 logic inputs. There are no phase-sequence tables, high-frequency control lines, or complex interfaces to program. The A3979 interface is an ideal fit for applications where a complex microprocessor is unavailable or is overburdened.
- CN1 Motor Supply Input Up to 30V DC (35V Maximum)
- Load 2.5A
- Logic Supply 3.3V to 5V DC
- CN3 Bipolar Stepper Motor Connections
- CN2 Logic Supply 5V & Signal Inputs
- J1-MS2 & J2-MS1 Micro-Stepping FULL, HALF, Quarter, Sixteenth
- J3, J4 Option Replacement for PR1 Jumper Type Current Setting
- D1 Logic Power LED
- REF (PR1) Current Adjust 0-2V
2.5A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver using A3979 – [Link]