Month: September 2015
DIY Miniature and Wearable Electronics
MiniWear - DIY Miniature And Wearable Modules That Can Be Worn Anywhere On The Body. James Cannan writes: We love electronics, especially Wearables, and that is why we have made super cool modules that include heart rate detection, movement, non contact temperature sensing, and...
Continue ReadingNE555 timer sparks low-cost voltage-to-frequency converter
by Gyula Dioszegi @ In 1971, Signetics—later Philips—introduced the NE555 timer, and manufacturers are still producing more than 1 billion of them a year. By adding a few components to the NE555, you can build a simple voltage-to-frequency converter for less than 50...
Continue ReadingJFET Moving Coil (MC) Pre-Preamp Kit
by Mark Houston @ I received the Boozhound Labs JFET Moving Coil (MC) Pre-Preamp Kit a while back and I promptly assembled the small circuit board. I'm a sucker for a simple kit and a hot iron. That is where it all stopped. The circuit board remained complete...
Continue ReadingMiniscope v2f
Here is another variant (after miniscope v2a, b, c, d, e) of simple PC/USB oscilloscope/recorder: It extends miniscope v2e with PGA (MCP6S21) offering same sampling frequency (480 ksps, 8 bit real time streaming to PC allowing continuous...
Continue ReadingWiFi-based Weather Forecast and Clock
by This project is a stopgap on my way to building a ground-up "Internet of Things" base design around the ESP8266 SoC WiFi solution. I started by taking a few nixie tubes I've had lying around from a past project, and connecting them to a Nixie Power supply I found on...
Continue ReadingAttiny45 EMF Sensor
by Khaleel123 @ This sensor is very sensitive and can pick up electrical signals from anything that uses power. It displays the amount of interference it picks up by sequentially lighting 4 led's one after the other. I have tested it all around the house and its...
Continue ReadingEEVblog #796 – Leica DVM6 3D Microscope
Dave checked out the Leica DVM6 3D microscope at the Electronex 2015 stand. It's an $80000 microscope that can do automated 3D surface mapping and measurements of surfaces, down to sub 1 micron. EEVblog #796 - Leica DVM6 3D Microscope -...
Continue ReadingTransparent ESP8266 WiFi-to-Serial Bridge
jeelabs @ has written a firmware for ESP8266 that enables it to talk to RS232 of your mcu via WiFi and also programm your mcu via WiFi. He writes: This firmware connects an attached micro-controller to the internet using a ESP8266 Wifi module. It implements a number of...
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