Year: 2015
JFET Moving Coil (MC) Pre-Preamp Kit
by Mark Houston @ I received the Boozhound Labs JFET Moving Coil (MC) Pre-Preamp Kit a while back and I promptly assembled the small circuit board. I'm a sucker for a simple kit and a hot iron. That is where it all stopped. The circuit board remained complete...
Continue ReadingMiniscope v2f
Here is another variant (after miniscope v2a, b, c, d, e) of simple PC/USB oscilloscope/recorder: It extends miniscope v2e with PGA (MCP6S21) offering same sampling frequency (480 ksps, 8 bit real time streaming to PC allowing continuous...
Continue ReadingWiFi-based Weather Forecast and Clock
by This project is a stopgap on my way to building a ground-up "Internet of Things" base design around the ESP8266 SoC WiFi solution. I started by taking a few nixie tubes I've had lying around from a past project, and connecting them to a Nixie Power supply I found on...
Continue ReadingAttiny45 EMF Sensor
by Khaleel123 @ This sensor is very sensitive and can pick up electrical signals from anything that uses power. It displays the amount of interference it picks up by sequentially lighting 4 led's one after the other. I have tested it all around the house and its...
Continue ReadingEEVblog #796 – Leica DVM6 3D Microscope
Dave checked out the Leica DVM6 3D microscope at the Electronex 2015 stand. It's an $80000 microscope that can do automated 3D surface mapping and measurements of surfaces, down to sub 1 micron. EEVblog #796 - Leica DVM6 3D Microscope -...
Continue ReadingTransparent ESP8266 WiFi-to-Serial Bridge
jeelabs @ has written a firmware for ESP8266 that enables it to talk to RS232 of your mcu via WiFi and also programm your mcu via WiFi. He writes: This firmware connects an attached micro-controller to the internet using a ESP8266 Wifi module. It implements a number of...
Continue ReadingBuilding our own backup server using the Raspberry PI
by Michal Remias @ We’ve been always thinking about building our own backup server using the ARM solution of Raspberry PI. When we needed to manage approx. 25 WordPress web projects couple of months ago we did some experiments with MainWP on virtual server at...
Continue ReadingBias generators with ultralow noise and ripple for sensitive circuits
The LT®3095 generates two low-noise bias supplies from a common input voltage ranging from 3V to 20V. Each channel includes a fixed frequency, peak current-mode step-up switching regulator and a low-noise, singleresistor- programmable 50mA linear regulator. The linear regulator’s...
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