Year: 2015
Colour Injector lamp
by Taras Sgibnev: The colour of light emitted by this lamp can be controlled using syringes filled with red, green and blue ink. Russian designer Taras Sgibnev developed the interactive product as a physical expression of the way red, green and blue light are used in digital...
Continue ReadingDamp-Pi – Room Moisture Extraction with Raspberry Pi
by : Over the last while I’ve been having a problem with excess humidity in the shower rooms. Imagine that, the builder never put in extractor fans when the house was built! Anyway, I could put in those fancy extractor fans with the built in timers or humidity...
Continue ReadingArduino Email Sender with Ethernet adapter/shield
by Matej Blagšič @ My father asked me to do a little project with Arduino that would send an e-mail when a push button is pressed or anything, can be based on temperature reading, so make sure you watch my previous instructable on that or to send that something...
Continue ReadingEEVblog #790 – Lecroy Wavejet 354 Touch Oscilloscope Teardown
Take a look inside the 500MHz 4 channel Teledyne Lecroy WaveJet Touch 354 oscilloscope. EEVblog #790 - Lecroy Wavejet 354 Touch Oscilloscope Teardown -...
Continue Reading100V, 1A, synchronous step-down regulator: Iq of 7µA
by Graham Prophet @ LT8631 is a 1A, 100V-input-capable synchronous step-down switching regulator. Synchronous rectification delivers efficiency as high as 90% while Burst Mode operation keeps quiescent current under 7µA in no-load standby conditions. Its 3V to...
Continue ReadingTutorial on the Design & Implementation of an FPGA RGB LED Matrix Driver
In this episode Shahriar and Timo demonstrate the design methodology of an FPGA based 32×32 RGB LED matrix driver. Timo has kindly devoted some of his time to describe the block diagram and the thought process which goes into designing this type of FPGA display driver. The various...
Continue ReadingAtmega8 Development Board
Atmega8 Development Board provides a very simple and cost effective platform for prototyping solution. The compact design provides connection to all the pins of the microcontroller for the user. Prototyping solution available for 28-pin ATmega series AVR microcontroller from...
Continue ReadingA Xively AMbient QUality MOnitor built on ATmega328
Davide Gironi has build an indoor ambient quality monitor that is able to measure temperature, humidity, noise and brightness and indicate the ambient quality using 4 bi-color LEDs. He writes: The data it is logged to the platform, and displayed to the user through 4...
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