Month: March 2017
Accessible Microfluidics Devices With Ultimaker
Researchers at Cardiff University use 3D printing to create small devices that move small volumes of fluid and are used in various areas of research. 3D printing makes it possible to share the devices with other researchers, making the study of microfluidics more accessible to a wider...
Continue ReadingEsp8266 WebServer farm
An Esp8266 WebServer farm project by Eldon Brown’s (a.k.a WA0UWH) After several long months, I have reactivated my Esp8266 WebServer Farm. Currently, one of my WebServers can be accessed as: Esp8266 WebServer farm -...
Continue ReadingWafer-scale-packaged integrated FET switches handle 1 – 4A
by Graham Prophet @ Silego Technology has developed a series of integrated power switches for use in mobile and battery powered products, to carry out power gating of functional blocks within a design; the devices come in sub-mm-size chip scale packages, handle...
Continue ReadingJump Over The Limits of ARM With ExaGear Desktop
While the most of Linux programs are compiled to run on Intel x86 processors, the virtualization softwares appear to give the ability to run Intel x86 application on ARM-based Mini PC such as Raspberry Pi. In this way, Eltechs, a high-tech startup company, had produced a new binary...
Continue ReadingTiny ESP8266 Breakout Board
Stavros made a very small ESP8266 breakout board: A very small breakout for the ESP8266. Includes all necessary pullups/pulldowns for it to boot to your code, a LDO regulator, a 3V3 output pin and enough breadboard space for one row on each side on a standard breadboard. Tiny...
Continue ReadingKeysight MXA signal analyzer / Spectrum analyzer review, analysis & experiments
Keysight MXA revision-b signal analyzer / Spectrum analyzer review, analysis & experiments from The Signal Path: In this episode Shahriar reviews the long awaited Keysight MXA Signal Analyzer (N9020B). The new X-Series Spectrum Analyzers from Keysight offer an entirely...
Continue ReadingInGaAs TFET, a potential alternative to MOSFET in future ultralow power chips
by Graham Prophet @ Belgian researchers from imec, at a conference** dedicated to compound semiconductor technology, are to present promising device results with a InGaAs-only TFET (tunnel field-effect transistor) that achieves a sub-60 mV/decade sub-threshold swing at...
Continue ReadingsnapVCC – A snap-on regulated 3.3 V/5 V power supply
by Mahesh Venkitachalam @ I use 9 V batteries for a prototyping a lot of my electronics projects. I was inspired by the Sparkfun breadboard power supply board, and wanted to create something similar, but with a more convenient form factor for use with a 9V battery. The...
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