Month: December 2017
Brand New BiCMOS Flexible Transistor
The transistor revolutionized the field of electronics, and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios, calculators, and computers, among other things since its very first practically implemented device as a point-contact-transistor invented in 1947 and...
Continue Readingobniz – API managed IO on the Cloud
Obniz is the world's first development board which IO is available as API on the cloud. It's Tiny but powerful, Internet connected board. obniz has 12 IO and WiFi module and It can be controlled through the APIs on obniz cloud, either through the REST or WebSocket API. The API can be...
Continue ReadingWhat are Aluminum Polymer Capacitors?
Choosing the right capacitors can make a big difference in the reliability, longevity, cost, and board size of your design. But most engineers don’t know which capacitors to choose for which applications. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with James Lewis from...
Continue ReadingApertus AXIOM Professional Digital Cinema Camera is open source
Apertus AXIOM Beta is a professional digital cinema camera built around free open source software and hardware. AXIOM Beta is the latest version powered by MicroZed development board based on Xilinx Zynq 7020 ARM + FPGA SoC, and running Arch Linux ARM. The camera will run Arch Linux ARM...
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A MAX7219 driven Display, controlled by an ESP8266 SoC and MQTT This project describes how to connect a MAX7219 to an ESP8266 Chip and let it act as a MQTT client. Its basically my ninHOME Node Firmware where you can optionally add a MAX7219 Display. ESP8266 MAX7219 Dot Matrix Display...
Continue ReadingChanging Hospital Waiting Rooms with RFID Technology
Engineers at Cornell university have created a new system for measuring vitals, which could revolutionize hospital experience for everybody. Usually, getting sick means having to go to the hospital which because of today´s procedures takes almost all your day (if not more), and most of...
Continue ReadingDS18B20 Sensor Based Thermometer with Nokia 5110 LCD display
Hi guys welcome to this tutorial. Today we will be building a simple temperature monitor using the DS18B20 sensor with a Nokia 5110 LCD Display and an Arduino mega. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor gives a 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature readings and also has an alarm...
Continue ReadingImitation Fireplace Using Cool Mist and LEDs
A convincing artificial fire effect for the holiday season, using NeoPixel LEDs, an Arduino UNO, and a cool mist module. The instructions for this are actually pretty simple, basically you just need to get the materials, and put them all together. The only technical part is soldering...
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