Year: 2020
Teensy 4.1 is the first Microcontroller Board to come with 100Mbit Ethernet coupled with 600MHz 32- bit microprocessor
Teensy is another line of microcontroller boards designed to offer maximum I/O capabilities backed up by fully featured software libraries to run on Arduino. Loved by makers around the world for a number of reasons, these Arduino compatible boards have proven to be an astounding...
Continue ReadingNew Sensor Board from Parametric Circuits provides a whole new level of Integration
Sensor boards are manufactured to provide engineers with the ideal platform for developing projects and designs that detect or measure temperature, pressure, humidity, color, motion, and even physical location. They offer necessary support circuitry that allows for the full utilization of...
Continue ReadingATtiny10 Development Board with USB-C and Micro USB
If you like using the simplest possible chip for each of your applications, then the ATtiny10 development board will strongly appeal to you. The ATtiny10 development board from Bobricius is a low-power high-performance 6-pin processor equipped with both USB-C and Micro-USB for powering...
Continue ReadingElektor Article: LED Booster for Microcontrollers
There’s many a time when you want to connect a white LED to a microcontroller operating from a 3 V supply voltage. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work and your nice white LED only lights up feebly or not at all. Why does it work perfectly with red and green LEDs, but not with white? A...
Continue ReadingDipDuino – is an Arduino in 0.3in DIP form
DipDuino is an Arduino in 0.3in DIP form. It runs the Atmega328P. Uses an onboard CP2104 to program itself and comes pre-programmed with Arduino Bootloader. Will act as a Arduino Pro or Pro Mini. Available in Tindie Store. The DipDuino is a FULL ARDUINO (Minus the A6 & A7 pins)....
Continue ReadingTinySolder – T12 Soldering Station based on ATtiny13a
TinySolder is a simple T12 Quick Heating Soldering Station based on the ATtiny13a featuring in 700 bytes of code: Temperature measurement of the tip Direct control of the heater Temperature control via potentiometer Handle movement detection (by checking ball switch)...
Continue ReadingBroadcom AFBR-S4N33C013 is a silicon photo multiplier
The Broadcom® AFBR-S4N33C013 is a single silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) used for ultra-sensitive precision measurement of single photons. The active area is 3.0 × 3.0 mm2. The high packing density of the single chips is achieved using through-silicon-via (TSV) technology and a...
Continue ReadingHow to use PICKit+ with MPLAB-X IDE
PICKit+ recently announced that it is now possible to Program Microchip PICs from MPLAB-X using PICkit2 programmer and it's even possible for those PICs that MPLAB-X programmer operations do not support. The challenge There are many PIC microcontrollers that currently not supported by...
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