RPGA Feather is an RP2040 and iCE40 FPGA Powered Dev Board in A Adafruit Feather From Factor

RPGA Feather is an RP2040 and iCE40 FPGA Powered Dev Board in A Adafruit Feather From Factor

RPGA Feather by Oak Development Technologies is an RP2040 and iCE40FPGA-powered development board in an Adafruit Feather form factor. The board is tiny and features an MCP73831 1S LiPo charger, a USB 2.0 Type-C connector for power and programming, and an RGB LED driven by the...

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IcyBlue Feather FPGA Board Gets a Modern Makeover with USB Type-C Connector

IcyBlue Feather FPGA Board Gets a Modern Makeover with USB Type-C Connector

Oak Development Technologies introduces the upgraded IcyBlue Feather FPGA Board, Version 2, featuring hardware enhancements and the modern USB Type-C connector. Powered by the Lattice Semi iCE5LP4K FPGA, this open-hardware board provides a versatile platform for FPGA development, now...

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Stefano Viola’s NiCE5340 SoM Features nRF5340 SoC and iCE40 FPGA in a compact From Factor
SoM-CoMTop Stories

Stefano Viola’s NiCE5340 SoM Features nRF5340 SoC and iCE40 FPGA in a compact From Factor

Engineer and developer Stefano Viola has designed a System on Module (SoM) that features an nRF5340 Bluetooth SoC and an iCE40 FPGA in a compact 16x29 mm form factor. To make things more interesting Viola has embedded 11 sensors along with an nPM1100 battery monitor into that compact...

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MYIR Introduces New SOM Featuring AMD/Xilinx Artix-7 XC7A100T FPGA

MYIR Introduces New SOM Featuring AMD/Xilinx Artix-7 XC7A100T FPGA

MYIR has launched a new embedded System-On-Module (SoM), the MYC-J7A100T, powered by the AMD/Xilinx Artix-7 XC7A100T FPGA chip and boasting a high-density andspeedy circuit board design. The innovative module, equipped with the XC7A100T-2FGG484I chip, 512MB DDR3 memory, 32MB QSPI...

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Signaloid’s New FPGA Board Comes in a microSD Form Factor

Signaloid’s New FPGA Board Comes in a microSD Form Factor

Signaloid Ltd., a startup specializing in uncertainty processing, has released a unique FPGA development board in the format of a microSD card. Called the Signaloid C0-microSD, the board aims to Simplify FPGA development and offer access to Signaloid's uncertainty analysis...

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Vaaman is an RK3399-Powered SBC with Efinix Trion T120 FPGA
FPGATop Stories

Vaaman is an RK3399-Powered SBC with Efinix Trion T120 FPGA

The Vaaman is an RK3399-powered SBC that also includes an Efinix Trion T120 FPGA onboard. The RK3399 SoC can be used for powerful yet energy-efficient computing where as the Efinix Trion T120 FPGA can be used for customizable hardware acceleration.  The board is powered by a Rockchip...

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Introducing NRFICE: A Bluetooth FPGA Board for Edge Computing and IoT Applications

Introducing NRFICE: A Bluetooth FPGA Board for Edge Computing and IoT Applications

The NRFICE is a Bluetooth FPGA board designed to be compatible with the Arduino UNO form factor. It combines two key components: the dual-core nRF5340 Bluetooth SoC and the LatticeICE40UP5K FPGA. The Lattice ICE40UP5K FPGA is known for its low power consumption and high performance,...

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LILYGO’s T-FPGA – An M.2-Formated Dev Board with ESP32-S3 and Gowin GW1NSR FPGA
FPGATop Stories

LILYGO’s T-FPGA – An M.2-Formated Dev Board with ESP32-S3 and Gowin GW1NSR FPGA

The LILYGO T-FPGA development kit consists of two components: an M.2 module and a carrier board. The M.2 module features an ESP32-S3 SoC and Gowin GW1NSR-4C FPGA with 4,608 LUTs along with USB-C OTG for ESP32-S3, a USB-C port for FPGA, four Pmod interfaces, a STEMMA Qt/Qwiic connector,...

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