PC Hardware Monitor with Nokia 5110 Display and Arduino

PC Hardware Monitor with Nokia 5110 Display and Arduino

Either for benchmarking purposes or as external telemetry to help you stay within the acceptable range for your computer power, super users usually have the desire to have a way of knowing what the performance numbers of your PC are. For today’s tutorial, we will build a PC Hardware...

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PC Hardware Monitor with Nokia 5110 Display and Arduino

PC Hardware Monitor with Nokia 5110 Display and Arduino

Either for benchmarking purposes or as external telemetry to help you stay within the acceptable range for your computer power, super users usually have the desire to have a way of knowing what the performance numbers of your PC are. For today's tutorial, we will build a PC Hardware...

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SIM800L GSM module with Nokia 5110 LCD and Arduino

SIM800L GSM module with Nokia 5110 LCD and Arduino

Over the past few tutorials, we have explored different projects that involve building GUI interfaces and menu on the Nokia 5110 LCD display. For today’s tutorial, we will do something similar to that but we will kick it up a notch by introducing a GSM module which will help us put a...

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SIM800L GSM module with Nokia 5110 LCD and Arduino

SIM800L GSM module with Nokia 5110 LCD and Arduino

Over the past few tutorials, we have explored different projects that involve building GUI interfaces and menu on the Nokia 5110 LCD display. For today's tutorial, we will do something similar to that but we will kick it up a notch by introducing a GSM module which will help us put a...

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Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu

Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu

Over time, we have built several Arduino based weather stations, real-time clocks, dataloggers and a dozen of projects based on Nokia 5110 LCD display. For today’s tutorial, we will merge all that we have learned from each of those tutorials and we will build a datalogger with a...

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Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display

Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display

FM radio transmitters and receivers are one of the projects that fascinated a lot of people and drove them to become makers. The lure of being able to deploy your own radio station, or build your own surveillance(-like) devices was what encouraged most of us to build our first fm...

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Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu

Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu

Over time, we have built several Arduino based weather stations, real-time clocks, dataloggers and a dozen of projects based on Nokia 5110 LCD display. For today's tutorial, we will merge all that we have learned from each of those tutorials and we will build a datalogger with a display...

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Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display

Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display

FM radio transmitters and receivers are one of the projects that fascinated a lot of people and drove them to become makers. The lure of being able to deploy your own radio station, or build your own surveillance(-like) devices was what encouraged most of us to build our first fm...

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