has published another great Arduino project. It’s a ATMega328 based datalogger able to record temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and light to a SD card.
In this video we build an Advanced Data Logger with Arduino. We use a DHT22 temperature and Humidity Sensor, a Bmp180 barometric pressure sensor and a BH1750 light sensor. The project store the data in a micro SD card and can run on batteries for around 2 weeks.
Six months ago, I built my first data logger using an Arduino Nano and the DS3231 Real Time Clock. I wanted to build an advanced version of it for a long time and when I posted that idea on the website along with many other project ideas, most of the visitors voted to build this project first, so here it is! The Advanced Arduino Data logger is capable of logging, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and light intensity for about 2 weeks using simple AA batteries. It stores the data on a Micro SD card in a .csv file format in order to be able to import this file to any data processing software afterwards.
Advanced Datalogger with ATMEGA328, BMP180, DHT22, BH1750 and sd card – [Link]