Analog Devices introduced the ADR1399, a precision shunt reference that features excellent temperature stability over a wide range of voltage, temperature, and quiescent current conditions. A temperature stabilizing loop is incorporated with the active Zener on a monolithic substrate, which nearly eliminates changes in voltage with temperature. The subsurface Zener circuit is fully specified at a quiescent current IREF of 3 mA and offers minimal noise (1.44 μV p-p, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) and excellent long-term stability (7 ppm/√kHr). The ADR1399 offers much lower output dynamic impedance (0.08 Ω) than the LM399, reducing the effects of shunt resistor (RSHUNT) and the supply voltage variation on the reference output.
- 7.05 V ultrastable shunt reference
- Low-temperature coefficient: 0.2 ppm/°C
- Maximum dynamic impedance: 0.08 Ω
- Typical reference noise for 10 Hz < f < 1 kHz: 1.84 μV rms
- Initial accuracy range: –300 mV to +250 mV
- Available in 4-lead TO-46 metal can
- External thermal insulator provided
- Upgrade path for legacy LM399
Ideal applications for the ADR1399 include ultrastable digital voltmeters, precision calibration equipment, and ultra repeatable analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).
Pricing and Availability
The ADR1399 is already supplied to customers in 4-lead TO-46 metal can/ The unit price in 1,000 pieces quantities is $10.27. The EVAL-ADR1399 evaluation kit is also available.