Arduino Pro launches Distiamo to support safe workplace social distancing and contact tracing

Arduino Pro launches Distiamo to support safe workplace social distancing and contact tracing

Arduino Pro, announces the launch of Distiamo, an intelligent distancing and positioning solution that supports enterprises and businesses with managing social distancing and contact tracing in any workplace or venue. It is designed to keep employees, visitors and customers safe.

Built in collaboration with analytics and IoT specialist Moviri, Distiamo can be deployed in a variety of environments, such as office buildings, factories, warehouses, exhibition halls, universities, research laboratories and other public and commercial spaces.

Distiamo’s launch by Arduino Pro not only tackles the urgent demands of social distancing and contact tracing but also significantly contributes to creating a positive workplace culture. Workplace culture revolves around how organizational leaders engage with employees, ensuring they arrive at work eager and prepared to excel. By adopting solutions like Distiamo, companies showcase their dedication to prioritizing the well-being of their workforce, guests, and patrons, thereby fostering an atmosphere steeped in trust and consideration.

This proactive stance not only bolsters physical safety measures but also fosters a shared sense of accountability and welfare, ultimately fostering a positive workplace culture where team members feel esteemed and well-supported.

Distiamo is the only hybrid solution in the market that offers two modes of accuracy – ‘fine grain measurement’ for high accuracy (to within 10 cm)  and ‘coarse grain measurement’ for medium-level accuracy (to within 1m). It is an extremely cost-effective system and companies can increase the accuracy they need over time, only where they need it.

Distiamo’s front-end dashboard provides all the useful information you need to customize rules and adapt to company scenarios. It is based on the Arduino IoT Cloud, a proven platform used by millions of people worldwide.

As people’s privacy is also of paramount importance, only relevant data in instances where individuals have been within the distance threshold for too long is captured. The data is then stored anonymously by Distimao, remaining private and confidential to ensure compliance with evolving regulations.

The economic and safety benefits go beyond Covid-19. Other workplace safety applications include person down alerts for medical emergencies (e.g. a heart attack), emergency evacuations and maximum room or venue occupancy. As well as workplace safety, the data measurement and analytics tools can easily be applied to optimise the layout of a factory or workplace to maximize process efficiency e.g. tracking products through a warehouse facility.

Commenting on the launch, Fabio Violante, CEO at Arduino said,

“Our primary focus was to create a solution that helps businesses to get started again by making staff and customers feel confident that their safety is covered. Distiamo provides the flexibility, simplicity and scalability to meet the needs of any type of workplace or venue. We are already using the solution in our office and have extended it throughout the co-working space we share in Turin. Several customers are deploying the solution in some very complex and dynamic environments like cruise ships, to help the cruising industry get back on its feet. I can envision thousands of customer situations in which this solution can be the difference between reopening and being safe or shutting down the business.”

Paolo Bozzola, CEO of Moviri added,

“When it comes to solutions that can impact people’s daily lives, accuracy, responsiveness and privacy are essential. We have been extremely happy to partner with Arduino on this project.  By joining together Arduino’s technological breadth and depth with Moviri’s 20 years’ experience in transforming data into information, we can build extremely effective and pragmatic tools like Distiamo. Every time we meet a new customer the discussion evolves into the countless positive possibilities for the post-COVID scenario.”

For more information on Arduino Pro’s Distiamo solution, please visit:

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Mike is the founder and editor of, an electronics engineering community/news and project sharing platform. He studied Electronics and Physics and enjoys everything that has moving electrons and fun. His interests lying on solar cells, microcontrollers and switchmode power supplies. Feel free to reach him for feedback, random tips or just to say hello :-)

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