ARM Compiler 6 With A Safety Package

ARM Compiler 6 With A Safety Package

Developed by ARM, the latest C/C++ compiler “ARM Compiler 6” had been announced with a safety package in a move to help developers to meet functional safety requirements.

ARM Compiler 6 is based on the modern LLVM framework and Clang technology, in close collaboration with processor and architecture projects to best utilize every new hardware feature. LLVM is a set of open-source components that allow the implementation of optimizing compiler frameworks. Clang is a compiler front end for LLVM, providing support for the C and C++ programming languages.

The ARM Compiler 6 comprises the following components:

  • ARM C, C++, and GNU assembly language compiler, armclang
  • ARM and Thumb assembler, armasm
  • ARM linker, armlink
  • ARM librarian, armar
  • ARM image conversion utility, fromelf
  • supporting libraries.

ARM Compiler enables you to build applications for the ARM family of processors from C, C++, or assembly language source. So, the ARM Compiler toolchain will be a safe option for you, whether you are a semiconductor company or you just like to know that you will be covered on your ARM projects no matter what.

“ARM Compiler is already widely used in functional safety. ARM engineering has built on that expertise and further tuned the compilation toolchain for an increasingly diverse range of safety-related applications across ARM Cortex-A, -R and -M processors.”

Tony Smith, the senior director of marketing with ARM’s Development Solutions Group.

The safety package will include the certificate and related reports from TÜV SÜD confirming that ARM Compiler 6 meets the highest tool qualification levels required by ISO26262, 61508, 62304 and EN50128. This means that you can begin developing safety-related applications with ARM Compiler 6 today, while we get the final safety artifacts ready for you.

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