Adafruit’s Metro M7 Features NXP iMX RT1011

Adafruit’s Metro M7 Features NXP iMX RT1011

After being teased nearly three years ago, Adafruit finally announced its Arduino Uno-layout Metro M7 development board, based on the NXP i.MX RT1011 "crossover microcontroller unit," is heading to production. Adafruit first announced the design of the Metro M7 back in 2020, shortly...

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SparkFun LoRaSerial Kit Boosts The Range of Your Transmission
RFTop Stories

SparkFun LoRaSerial Kit Boosts The Range of Your Transmission

The SparkFun LoRaSerial Kit is a great way to transmit data over LoRa, providing you with a range far greater than that of WiFi or Bluetooth®. We've been able to successfully transmit data over a 9mi (15km) line-of-sight using two LoRaSerial radios with a larger 5.8dBi antenna on the...

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Powercore EDM Cuts through solid metal With Ease

Powercore EDM Cuts through solid metal With Ease

The popularity of 3D printing has spurred a competition to make automated machine tools and fabrication methods more accessible to hobbyists. Laser cutting is a great example of this, as it used to be too expensive for hobbyists, but now can be purchased for a few hundred dollars....

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Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera is an Ideal Camera for Machine Vision
Raspberry PiTop Stories

Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera is an Ideal Camera for Machine Vision

Raspberry Pi has unveiled a new camera module, the Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera, which is a variation of its High-Quality Camera Module but with a global shutter instead of a rolling shutter. Since the first Raspberry Pi Camera Module, all subsequent models have utilized rolling...

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Flux Launches Collaborative PCB Design Tool
PCBTop Stories

Flux Launches Collaborative PCB Design Tool

Flux, a collaborative PCB design tool, has emerged from beta testing with a new set of features. The company says its mission is to make PCB design as accessible as possible to everyone, regardless of experience level. Flux is a browser-based PCB design tool that was created to make PCB...

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Web Serial Terminal is a usefull Web Tool for Embedded Engineers
InterfaceTop Stories

Web Serial Terminal is a usefull Web Tool for Embedded Engineers

The team at CAPUF Embedded is developing web tools to enable embedded engineers to create products more quickly and effortlessly. Their first tool is a web serial terminal, accessed through Chrome Browser on laptops or desktops, though not yet on mobile devices. With this tool,...

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AmpRipper 4000 is a New Battery supply Board for Raspberry Pi & Arduino
Raspberry Pi

AmpRipper 4000 is a New Battery supply Board for Raspberry Pi & Arduino

Kickstart Design is preparing to launch a campaign on Kickstarter for the AmpRipper 4000, their next-generation battery supply board for Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and other electronic projects, which is set to launch soon - boasting a significant upgrade from the AmpRipper 3000 design. In...

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EDATEC CM4 Sensing Computer For IoT & Data Acquisition applications
IoTTop Stories

EDATEC CM4 Sensing Computer For IoT & Data Acquisition applications

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we interact with the world around us by connecting devices and systems in ways that were never before possible. With the growth of IoT solutions, there is an increasing need for smart and reliable sensors to enable this new capability....

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