Counterfeit Macbook charger teardown
Ken Shirriff @ has done a detailed teardown of a counterfeit macbook charger and show us the difference from a genuine one and why this can be dangerous. He writes: What's inside a counterfeit Macbook charger? After my Macbook charger teardown, a reader sent me a charger...
Continue ReadingBIG Clock Made From Six 3″ 7-Segment LCDs
Pierre Muth build a nice big clock using 3" 7-segment LCD displays. The clock is driven by a PIC18F87K90 and a few other components are used. He writes: We need clocks. Once you have passionate activities which absorbs all your attention, if you want to keep contact with the social...
Continue ReadingRaspberry Pi Zero digital frame
Francesco @ show use how to use the Raspberry Pi Zero to build a digital frame. Actually he show us how to use it as a USB storage device on an existing digital frame. Raspberry Pi Zero digital frame -...
Continue ReadingExtensive Interactive Whiteboard Pen & Receiver Teardown Analysis
Micah Elizabeth Scott @ writes: My friends at Tangible Interaction sent some electronic whiteboard hardware to take apart. In this video I'll start to look at the transmitters, receivers, and communication protocol. Extensive Interactive Whiteboard Pen & Receiver...
Continue ReadingChipStick – A small scale experimental Forth machine
Ken Boak discuss about his ChipStick PCB build: The ChipStick design has the following features: MSP430FR2433 with 15.5K FRAM and 4K SRAM External SRAM or FRAM device connected via SPI on USCI B0 CH340G USB to serial converter IC on detachable section of board 3V3 voltage...
Continue ReadingHow Apple recycles iphones
Apple has designed a robotic arm that is able to teardown iphone and other electronics devices and recycle their components. What the video! How Apple recycles iphones -...
Continue Reading‘Soldering’ with a laser
Thijs Beckers @ writes about a new experimental method of connecting electronics components together using a laser beam. Researchers from the University of Saarland have, together with colleagues from Helsinki, discovered a new material which can connect...
Continue ReadingImproved Arduino Rotary Encoder Reading
Here is a nice tutorial on how to use rotary encoders with Arduino. Example code is included. I wanted to use a low cost rotary encoder as an input mechanism for one of my upcoming projects and was initially bewildered by the code options available to take readings from the rotary...
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