Time-based One-time Password fob for Google Authenticator
conoroneill.net has coded an Espruino Pico to work like a HID device. Now that the Espruino Pico has (beta) HID support, it can pretend to be a keyboard or mouse (or other HID compatible device). This makes it possible to send characters to the active window on your...
Continue ReadingBubble display shield for Adafruit Trinket
davedarko created this Adafruit Trinket Pro shield for the HP QDSP-6064 bubble display. The design files and source code are hosted on GitHub. An additional temperature sensor in the form of the LM75 can be added to this bubble display shield. The atmega32p is capable of driving up...
Continue ReadingESP8266 + DS18B20 to Emoncms
Jhon_Control @ instructables.com has written a tutorial on how to monitor temperature using the ESP8266 and DS18B20 and display the data on Emoncms platform. Emoncms is an open source web application that enable you to monitor and visualize different environmental data. ESP8266 +...
Continue ReadingLasers built on silicon are a step towards fully integrated photonics
A group of researchers from the Cardiff University has demonstrated the first practical laser that has been grown directly on a silicon substrate. by Graham Prophet: The lasing structure was formed in indium arsenide/gallium arsenide layers grown directly on a silicon substrate; the...
Continue ReadingLSM6DSL – 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope
Two low-power 6-axis inertial modules introduced from STMicroelectronics, the LSM6DSL and LSM6DSM. Both they pack a 3-D digital accelerometer and a 3-D digital gyroscope in a miniature package. These modules consume 0.4 mA in combo normal mode and 0.65 mA in combo high-performance...
Continue ReadingControl a High Power 4W COB LED with Arduino Uno
educ8s.tv has published a new Arduino Video tutorial: High Power LEDs are very popular and low cost nowadays so I thought it would be a good idea to learn how control them with Arduino. So, I built a simple project that simply turns on a 4W Cob LED when the button is pressed. When...
Continue ReadingThe incredible story behind the Gerber PCB file format
Max Maxfield @ edn.com writes about the famous Gerber format and the history behind it. Gerber format is actually an ASCII vector format that defines copper layers, solder mask, legends on a PCB and it's used by manufacturing companies to produce the actual PCB. The incredible...
Continue ReadingRaspberry Pi 2 Web Hosting – Full Email Server & Web Server
LDSrelience shared this video on Youtube! This is a short video going over a project I just finished to prove that a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (new as of February 2015) can run a light duty website and low volume email server. I have installed Apache2 for the web server, which takes...
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