SK6812 – a new intelligent RGB LED
Tim discuss about a new RGB LED that appeared on the market: During the last months, a new WS2812 alternative appeared on the market: The SK6812. I finally managed to get my hands on some of them to take a closer look. In most aspects these devices are basically clones of the WS2812....
Continue ReadingEye Diagram Basics: Reading and applying eye diagrams
Deepak Behera, Sumit Varshney, Sunaina Srivastava, and Swapnil Tiwari discuss about using an oscilloscope to create eye diagrams and quickly evaluate system performance and gain. Accelerating data rates, greater design complexity, standards requirements, and shorter cycle times put...
Continue ReadingPassive Wi-Fi – Bringing Low Power to Wi-Fi Transmissions
Bryce Kellogg, Vamsi Talla, Shyam Gollakota, Joshua R. Smith have published an research article discussing Passive Wi-Fi transmission that consumes 3 - 4 orders of magnitude lower power than existing Wi-Fi chipsets. Passive Wi-Fi transmissions can be decoded on any Wi-Fi device...
Continue ReadingControlling Arduino using your Voice
bluehybrid @ shows us how to use your voice to control a led light on Arduino. To achieve this he used the 1Sheeld Arduino shield. This Project is getting start to use arduino with 1Sheeld In this project we will turn an LED (ON) and turn it (OFF) by...
Continue ReadingPortable Adjustable Mini Power supply
Mixed Output @ has build a nice power supply by combining different power modules. As most of my project involve electronics of some sort, having a good power supply is essential to be able to meet the demand of different power requirements. So I built me a...
Continue ReadingTeardown: Amazon Dash Button keeps you connected
Brian Dipert @ has done a teardown on Amazon's dash button and shows the parts inside. How much hardware was Amazon able to squeeze into such a diminutive bill-of-materials budget, or perhaps more accurately, how much are Amazon and its consumable-supplier partners...
Continue ReadingSensirion Tiny sensor hones temperature accuracy
Housed in a tiny 8-pin DFN package, the STS31 digital temperature sensor from Sensirion guarantees accuracy to within ±0.3°C over a temperature range of -40°C to +90°C. A low-cost version, the STS30 achieves the same accuracy over a temperature range of 0°C to +65°C. Both...
Continue ReadingHardware serial port monitor over WiFi
This tutorial shows how to connect Arduino to the TX line (of a router, RPI) and display serial data on smartphone over WiFi. Arduino listens for serial port communication on its hardware serial port. Then it sends every received line of data trough software serial port to ESP8266....
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