DIY Wearable Posture Sensor
With the help of this wearable device you can improve your posture as it will remind you whenever you slouch. The device is based on ADXL335 accelerometer and Attiny85 microcontroller and a vibration motor will get you notified. Posture sensors/monitors have been a recurring theme...
Continue ReadingWifi Home Thermostat
asheville makers @ has posted a Wifi enabled thermostat that can be programmed via a touch screen display or via the internet. This Instructable explains about how I built WiFi enabled thermostats for my home. The thermostats are programmable with 6 different time...
Continue Reading4A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver Based on LV8727E
The Project is based on LV8727E IC from ON Semiconductor. The LV8727 is a PWM current-controlled micro step bipolar stepping motor driver. This driver can provide eight ways of micro step resolution of 1/2, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/10, 1/20, and can drive simply by the step...
Continue ReadingPWM dimmer for RGB LED
Lukas Fassler has designed and built a PWM dimmer for RGB LED: In my last post I’ve described the design and construction of my LED dimmer project. This project here is similar but a bit more involved. It controls RGB LEDs so it can not only change the brightness but also the color...
Continue ReadingArduino DS18B20 Thermometer on iOS or Android
maroelawerner @ has a tutorial on how to display temperature data on an Android or iOS device using Arduino and Blynk app. In this Instructable I am going to attempt to show you how to put together a little project to use the Blynk app (optainable at...
Continue ReadingHow to Implement Embedded Ethernet
Maurizio @ has tipped us with his latest article on how to implement embedded Ethernet on any mcu. The article shows the basic principle of Ethernet implementation. Usually We need embedded systems inside devices, particularly the so-called intelligent devices,...
Continue ReadingGeiger–Müller counter that works with Arduino
Bob @ has posted a Geiger-Muller project that can be used with Arduino or any other microcontroller board. The Geiger–Müller counter is a relatively simple tool to measure ionizing radiation. To increase sensitivity, construction presented here contains...
Continue Reading5V to 400V DC-DC converter
Bob has tipped us with his latest project. It's a 5V to 400V DC-DC Converter based on MC34063 IC and can be used in various projects such as Geiger–Müller counters. A small and cheap 5V/400V DC/DC converter can be useful in many DIY projects, e.g Geiger–Müller counters. I...
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