Large 8×8 LED Matrix Display
jollifactory @ has published a large 8x8 LED Matrix Display which is driven by a MAX7219 and Arduino. For this project, we will be building a single color large LED matrix display which is made up of a few large 8x8 LED matrix modules daisy-chained together. Each...
Continue Reading8×8 RGB Led Matrix with WS2812 driver with Arduino Uno
In this video we learn how to use this 8x8 RGB LED matrix. This matrix is using the WS2812 driver and it is great, because each LED is individually addressable. Only one microcontroller pin is required to control all the LEDs, and you get 24 bit color for each LED. 8x8 RGB Led...
Continue ReadingArduino Network Analyzer
Brett Killion has published his Arduino shield a Network Analyzer on an Arduino Shield which covers from 0-72MHz. The network analyzer shield uses an Analog Devices AD9851 DDS chip clocked at 180MHz which will output a sine wave at any frequency from 0Hz and 72MHz. The DDS output is...
Continue ReadingDIY FPGA Programming
TC-Engineering has documented their efforts to program a Spartan 6 FPGA using a DIY PCB. The hardware part and software are discussed on the link below. I’ve been thinking about building stuff with FPGA’s for a while, and usually get turned away because FPGA’s are considerably...
Continue ReadingPower-on Reminder with LED Lamp
Many a times equipment at workstations remains switched on unnoticed. In this situation, these may get damaged due to overheating. Here is an add-on device for the workbench power supply that reminds you of the power-on status of the connected devices every hour or so by sounding a...
Continue Reading5A Adjustable Regulated Power Supply
This project provides a variable output voltage ranging from 1.2 to 32 V @ 5 A. Project based on LM338K IC, LM338K is adjustable 3 terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supply in excess of 5A over a 1.2V to 32V output range, simple circuit consist few...
Continue ReadingConnecting HC-05 Bluetooth Module to Arduino
TechDepot Egypt @ has published a tutorial on how to connect a HC-05 Bluetooth module to Arduino. Turorial shows how to connect the module with Arduino and example code is included. It is worth noting that the HC-05 power in (Vcc) uses 5V, while the transmit and...
Continue ReadingIsolated Circuit Digitally Indicates 120-/220-V Line Voltage
Edward K. Miguel @ has published a circuit that has output high when the votlage in input is 220V and output low when the voltage is 110V. This is often useful on motor control and power supply systems. The circuit illustrated in the figure monitors the ac line...
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