pulsetronics.blogspot.com.ng has build a nice version of PICKIT Programmer:
This is my PICkit 2 clone design. Its based on a simplified version of the Microchip PICkit 2 schematic and only supports 5v parts. It works with all the Microchip software including MPLAB, MPLABX,the PICkit 2 GUI Programming software and the PICkit 2 command line software.
It can be used with the PICkit 2 GUI Terminal Software and the PICkit 2 GUI Logic Analyzer. Best of all its an all leaded design that you can build in about an hour if you have of the parts.
Because this design is simplified and uses a fixed voltage reference, the programmer voltage cannot be controlled by the PICkit 2 software settings to lower the voltage. It also cannot do the “Vpp First” mode which in rare cases you may need to re-program a PIC that has a very fast internal oscillator and internal MCLR enabled.
Build Your Own PICKit 2 Programmer – [Link]