ArduCam Mega is a High-Quality Camera Module for all Microcontrollers with an SPI interface

ArduCam Mega is a High-Quality Camera Module for all Microcontrollers with an SPI interface

There is an increase in demand for devices that perform applications like machine vision, surveillance, and robotics. ArduCam Mega is the solution that will fulfill these increasing demands of the market. The camera module with a high resolution, a small form factor, and a wide field of...

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Plug-and-play automation is made possible by ESP-ZeroCode modules that are compatible with Μatter

Plug-and-play automation is made possible by ESP-ZeroCode modules that are compatible with Μatter

The plug-and-play ESP-ZeroCode modules with Wi-Fi and/or Thread (802.15.4) wireless connectivity have just been introduced by Espressif Systems. These modules are compatible with the Matter protocol, and they are designed to be used with Led bulbs, outlets, switches, dimmers, relays,...

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The Opta is Arduino’s first “Micro PLC” for the Industrial Internet of Things.
ArduinoIoTTop Stories

The Opta is Arduino’s first “Micro PLC” for the Industrial Internet of Things.

A microcontroller is a single-chip computer that includes memory as well as inputs and outputs. The Arduino microcontroller structures the logic that controls devices and reads sensors in the real world using the Arduino IDE software and the C++ programming language. With pin-style...

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Arduino Announces Support for MicroPython, Brings it to Several of its Development Boards
ArduinoTop Stories

Arduino Announces Support for MicroPython, Brings it to Several of its Development Boards

So, it finally happened that MicroPython eventually became a part of the Arduino ecosystem. The Arduino team recently announced that it is bringing in the microcontroller-focused Python into a number of its products, making Micropython the second officially-supported language in the...

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Arduino Cloud gets a feature called phone device to enable a quick out-of-the-box experience with the platform
ArduinoTop Stories

Arduino Cloud gets a feature called phone device to enable a quick out-of-the-box experience with the platform

Arduino released a cloud platform, Arduino Cloud, that would enable developers and hobbyists to build smart connected projects based on a wide range of electronic hardware products, such as Arduino, ESP32, and even ESP8266. The company understands the entry barriers to using a cloud...

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Italian pasta brand, Barilla introduces a passive cooker– an open-source project to reduce CO2 emissions

Italian pasta brand, Barilla introduces a passive cooker– an open-source project to reduce CO2 emissions

Arduino has written a blog post on Barilla using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE board to provide an open-source project for the passive cooking of pasta– makes a remarkable positive impact on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions by up to 80 percent, as claimed. As the blog post...

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New Icarus SoM Development Kit Features a Nordic nRF9160 System-in-package

New Icarus SoM Development Kit Features a Nordic nRF9160 System-in-package

Actinius, an Amsterdam-based R&D firm, specializing in creating ultra-secure IoT products, has combined the latest cellular IoT technologies on the market to design a new Icarus SoM DK development board that follows the Arduino Uno form factor. The cost-effective single board...

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Ardunio IDE 2.0 is finally here with new features and enhanced UI

Ardunio IDE 2.0 is finally here with new features and enhanced UI

The beta version of Arduino IDE 2.0 was released in 2021 and is now available to download in its stable version. Various feedback and input from multiple stakeholders of the Arduino Community have enabled the makers to launch the stable version. The backbone of Arduino IDE 2.0 is the...

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