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Project about Connect BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module With Arduino

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If you want to build your own temperature monitoring system or measure the altitude of a drone, or just want to measure the atmospheric pressure in your area, then one of the best modules to use in your project is the BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module. BMP280 is an absolute pressure and temperature monitoring sensor, which is an upgraded version of BMP085, BMP180 and BMP183 sensors. Why is it called an upgraded version? It will be discussed in the following sections.

The BMP280 sensor module can be used with microcontrollers such as Arduino, PIC, AVR, etc. For this project we will use Arduino Uno and BMP280 along with LCD 16x2 display module to display temperature and pressure values. Before connecting the BMP280 with Arduino, we need to download the BMP280 Arduino library developed by Adafruit.

Supply Part


Connect wires
LCD monitor - 16x2

Circuit Diagram Connecting BMP280 to Arduino

Circuit Diagram Connecting BMP280 to Arduino


Arduino Program to Connect BMP280 With Arduino






Adafruit_BMP280 bmp; // I2C

//Adafruit_BMP280 bmp(BMP_CS); //Hardware SPI

//Adafruit_BMP280 bmp(BMP_CS, BMP_MOSI, BMP_MISO, BMP_SCK);

LCD LCD (9, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void settings() {



Serial.println(F("BMP280 Test"));



lcd.print("Circuit Digest");



if (!bmp.begin()) {

Serial.println(F("No valid BMP280 sensor found, check the wiring!"));

And (1);


/* Default settings from data table. */

bmp.setSampling(Adafruit_BMP280::MODE_NORMAL, /* Operating mode.*/

Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X2, /* Temperature oversampling */

Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X16, /* pressure oversampling */

Adafruit_BMP280::FILTER_X16, /* Filter. */

Adafruit_BMP280::STANDBY_MS_500); /* Standby time. */


void loop() {

Serial.print(F("Temperature = "));




lcd.print("temperature = ");


Serial.print(F("Pressure = "));






Serial.print(F("Approximate height = "));

Serial.print(bmp.readAltitude(1018)); /* Adjust to local prediction! */


Serial number.println();

Delay (2000);




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Thanks for sharing the project. If you want to create a PCB with casing for your BMP280-based projects in the future, you can consider this design. It broadcasts temperature and pressure updates every 4 seconds. The gateway and 3-button remote use the pressure readings to calculate the altitude.10440 Li-ion 3.7V 600mAh AAA size battery that lasts several months on a single charge. It has a 3D-printed water-resistant enclosure.


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3d rendering services  in industrial design consultancy is not merely about adapting products for different markets but embracing diversity, respecting cultural identities, and enhancing user experiences worldwide. By integrating cultural research, inclusive design practices, and collaborative approaches, consultants can create products that transcend cultural boundaries, foster brand loyalty, and drive global success. As industries continue to globalize and technology evolves, the role of cross-cultural design will be pivotal in shaping products that are meaningful, inclusive, and universally appreciated.

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The History and Development of Imuregen

Imuregen is a popular immune-boosting supplement available in the Philippines, known for its comprehensive formulation designed to enhance immune function and overall health. The imuregen price philippines  varies depending on the product type and size. For instance, Imuregen Nucleotides Liquid, which contains a blend of nucleotides, oligopeptides, amino acids, vitamins, and trace minerals, is priced at PHP 5,080.32 per 100 ml bottle. Other variants, such as Imuregen Glucan, range from PHP 4,390.40 to PHP 7,338.24 depending on the capsule count


  • Focus: Strong antioxidant support and enhanced white blood cell function.
  • Scope: Lacks the broader range of support offered by nucleotides, peptides, and other vitamins/minerals found in Imuregen.


Key Ingredients:

  • Elderberry Extract: Rich in flavonoids, particularly anthocyanins.


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