Online learning of embedded system and electronics in general still bounded, and this is mainly related to the nature of hardware it self. Anyway, efforts for embedded systems training/learning continue to appear especially with MOOC platforms like Coursera and edX.
In this blog post, i’m not going to talk about MOOC online courses. I’m going to share with you some of dedicated online training centers and university programs for embedded systems.
Online University Certifications:
1-Embedded Systems Engineering Certificate from UCI:
The course schedule has variety of courses that focus on embedded system programming, logic design using VHDL and FPGA, real time systems, motor control and embedded linux.
The brochure contains informations about the fees as the following:
Course fees (4.5 prerequisite, 9 required and 6 elective units) $4,800, textbooks $1,350 , candidacy fee $125 and the total estimated Cost $6,275.
UCI had also created the “An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IOT)” specialization on Coursera.
2-Master of Engineering in Embedded Systems Degree from Arizona State University:
I think it’s one of very rare online master degree for embedded systems.
[Program Information]Training Centers:
DOULUS focuses mainly on ARM (DOULUS is an ARM Approved Training Center), logic design and embedded linux. They also present a free online webinar on a regular basis.
[Training] [Webinars]2-Feabhas
Feabhas focuses mainly on programming embedded systems. They have a variety of embedded C/C++ courses beside other ARM and RTOS courses.
[Course list]3-Opersys
Opersys was founded by Karim J. Yaghmour, the author of Embedded Android and Building Embedded Linux Systems books. The training courses is about embedded Linux and embedded Android.
Another training center which focuses on embedded linux and embedded Android.