Fishmograph allows to precisely monitor earthquakes involving our house using the D7S sensor, sending us an email notification for every event detected, allowing us to take people and things to safety. Fishmograph is based on Fishino 32 and the excellent low-cost D7S sensor developed by Omron.
Italy is one of the Mediterranean countries with the highest seismic risk and this very unfavourable record is due to its geographic location, riding across the African plaque and the Euroasian plaque (we are talking about tectonic plaques); this “unfavourable” position causes the very high number of earthquakes taking place every day in our country, which, however, fortunately, are so weak that can be detected only by instruments, whilst a very small percentage has enough intensity to cause damages to people or things.
This sensor, which we have previously introduced and analyzed in this magazine in issue 222, guarantees a high degree of precision when detecting earthquakes and has the very useful automatic danger level evaluation feature for electronic devices, emitting a shutoff signal when intensity is 5 or higher on the JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) intensity scale, or it can emit a collapse signal when a variation in its physical position is detected (possibly due to the floor collapsing).
Fishmograph – Omron’s D7S sensor based seismograph – [Link]