Out of curiosity I ordered a tiny ESP8266 relay switch board from aliexpress.com, for next to nothing. Blissfully unaware, then, of the struggle ahead to make the thing work as advertised. I survived and conquered — here’s the story. By Somnath Bera @ elektormagazine.com
The little gizmo pictured in Figure 1 was stated by the vendor(s) to contain an inbuilt switching program, so all I had to do is “use some Android phone to control it”. Sadly, despite several attempts using various Chinese and English-language Android apps, nothing ever happened! Sure, the device gets connected with the Wi-Fi of my PC or laptop as a server and it also allocates the dynamic IP address — but nothing happens after that. No server page etc. opens anywhere! Utterly frustrated, one day I decided to develop and install my own program into its dumb head!
Free Elektor Article: A 3-Dollar Tiny Wi-Fi Switch That Works – [Link]