Galvanic Isolated 8 Channel High-Side Switch (0.6A per channel)

Galvanic Isolated 8 Channel High-Side Switch (0.6A per channel)

This project provides 8 fully protected and isolated high-side power switches that are able to handle current up to 625 mA. An 8-bit parallel microcontroller compatible interface allows connecting the inputs directly to a microcontroller or standalone circuit system. The input interface also supports direct control mode and is designed to operate with 3.3/5V CMOS compatible levels. The signal transfer from input to output side is realized by the integrated Coreless Transformer Technology. The board is designed for industrial applications such as process control and PLC to drive inductive, resistive, and capacitive loads like Relay, solenoid, lamps, heaters, piezo.

Galvanic Isolated 8 Channel High-Side Switch (0.6A per channel) – [Link]

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