I2C Detective identifies the I2C devices connected to your microcontroller

I2C Detective identifies the I2C devices connected to your microcontroller

The I2C Detective identifies the I2C devices connected to your microcontroller from a database of the most popular I2C sensors and other devices. It lists each device on the I2C bus, and can distinguish between multiple candidates at a particular address by reading the device IDs. by David Johnson-Davies

In the above example, although there are other possible sensors with addresses 0x1C, 0x39, 0x6A, and 0x77, the I2C Detective eliminates these as possibilities by reading the registers corresponding to the sensor device IDs to identify them. If a sensor doesn’t provide a device ID, such as with the SHT30 on address 0x44, the I2C Detective lists all the popular sensors that support this address.

The I2C Detective will run on any Arduino-compatible board, from the Arduino Uno upwards.

I2C Detective identifies the I2C devices connected to your microcontroller – [Link]

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Mike is the founder and editor of Electronics-Lab.com, an electronics engineering community/news and project sharing platform. He studied Electronics and Physics and enjoys everything that has moving electrons and fun. His interests lying on solar cells, microcontrollers and switchmode power supplies. Feel free to reach him for feedback, random tips or just to say hello :-)

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