Introduction to Parts Distributor

Introduction to Parts Distributor

Part sourcing is one of the most important and challenging activities associated with the development of any hardware project. So, selecting the right one is a critical step in the success of any product.

From finding the exact components at the desired quantity, to buying the components at a price that suits sales margins, getting a reliable source for parts is the key to success of any product development process. As a matter of fact, it is so important that designs are usually not finalized until product teams have established the supply chain capable of reliably supplying all that is needed to manufacture it. To minimize the amount of time and energy product developers, hardware startups and large organizations waste on this, several part sourcing companies/platforms and websites exist with one of the standout ones being UTSOURCE. They was created to serve as a truly global one-stop-shop for electronics parts.

UTSOURCE is a professional B2B & B2C platform for electronics parts/components sourcing. They provide a one-stop service for customers by providing access to different types of components needed for the development of electronic products. Their offerings range from the sales of different Electronic parts (like ICs, Microcontrollers, Sensors) and ElectroMechanical components (like relays, switches, and converters), to several types of Passive (resistors, capacitors, crystals, etc), and D-level (open-source boards like Arduino and related tools) components to mention a few.

Their website is categorized into different sections to allow customers to easily search and access the components they need. To increase speed and reduce stress for customers looking for multiple items, the website allows users to search for multiple components at a time by entering them into multiple field search bar, or by uploading a BOM generated using popular PCB software like KiCad.

Multiple Search Options

Based on their understanding of the different needs of different customers, their offerings are tailored to serve the needs of those customers who just need to buy a few ICs, and those customers who need to buy the ICs in large volumes. They understand how the long term availability of components affects product cycle and as such, work with customers to ensure the parts being ordered will still be on the market at least for the next 3-5 years.

As part of their goal to serve as a one-stop-shop, through NextPCB, a leading PCB manufacturer located in China, UTSOURCE also offers affordable (with prices as low as $10 for 10 pieces) PCB customization and manufacturing services with a specialization in 2-16 Layers PCB prototype fabrication and small-volume production. This allows users to manufacture their PCBs and get the components needed for it from the same manufacturer, reducing the stress attached to managing multiple suppliers.

In addition, UTSOURCE runs a service called FBU (Fulfillment by UTSOURCE) which allows customers buy directly from thousands of suppliers on the UT Source platform with UTSOURCE providing the customer with pre-shipment inspection service to guarantee the quality of items, and a shipping insurance service that empowers customers with the ability to ask for return and refund with the freight is borne by UTSOURCE.

All of these services are offered to customers, all over the world, through their website ( and payments for the services are also done online, as such, to give users flexibility with payments, UTSOURCE supports secure payment through different payment platforms/cards like PayPal, credit card, western union, wire transfer, and they work with different logistics companies like FedEx, UPS, DHL, and TNT to give users as many options as possible for a 2-5 days delivery of their order.

Membership Program

As a way of rewarding customer loyalty, UTSOURCE runs a membership program which allows customer pick different membership categories that unlock different discounts, rewards, and privileges like,  8%-30% reduction on the price of components, 90 Days Worry-Free Return Policy, Exclusive logistics service channel, a rapid increase of 30% +, and shipping coupons to help customers reduce shipping fee among others. More details on the membership program can be found here and a summary of some of the benefits is provided in the table below.

Plus Membership Benefits

UTSOURCE has been in business for 15+ years, and has served customers across sectors like Aerospace, Consumer Electronics, Telecommunication, Military and Medical sectors, with customers ranging from individuals and Startups to R&D organizations and large corporate firms. As such, it is safe to say they have the experience (which is key hardware part sourcing) to serve as a reliable supply chain partner for products.

Professional customer service worldwide

They provide professional customer service worldwide with offices in USA, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany and many other places. To find out the local service departments check on contact page.

Free Shipping Policy

UTSOURCE provides free shipping on selected order as listed below.  To check your shipping on the desired country check shipping page.

  • For the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, India, Turkey: Free shipping on first 0.5kg for orders over US $69.90
  • Other countries: Free shipping on first 0.5kg for orders over US $99.90

More information about the offerings of UTSOURCE can be found on their website.

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About Emmanuel Odunlade

Hardware Design Engineer | #IoT Consultant |All things #ML | Entrepreneur | Serial Writer | Passionate about Innovation and technology as tools for solving problems in developing countries. Spare time is spent around writing and advocacy for the growth of the Maker/DIY Culture in Africa.

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