LILYGO’s Upgraded T-Display-S3 AMOLED for $25.68 USD
The T-Display-S3 AMOLED is a development board and is an updated version of the T-Display-S3 and has the first combination of an ESP32-S3 with an AMOLED display. The previous LCD display has been replaced with an AMOLED one, which results in an improved color display. In addition, it now features a QSPI interface instead of an SPI interface, which results in increased speed. The onboard antenna has been replaced with a 3D antenna, which results in an enhanced WiFi and Bluetooth experience.
- MCU- ESP32-S3R8 Dual-core LX7 microprocessor
- Flash size – 16MB
- Connectivity via ESP32-S3
–2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi 4 with 40 MHz bandwidth support
-Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0 connectivity with long-range support, up to 2Mbps data rate.
– 3D antenna and external u.FL antenna support - Display – 1.9-inch 536×240 AMOLED display
-Resolution- 40(W) X RGB X 536(H)
-Interface – QSPI
-Active Area- 19.8 x 44.22mm
-Driver IC- RM67162
-Viewing Angle- IPS Full View Angle - USB – 1x USB Type-C port for power and programming
- I/O Interface
-2x 14-pin headers with up to 18x GPIO, 1x SPI, 10x ADC, SPI, UART, Touch interfaces, 5V, 3.3V, and GND
-4-pin STEMMA QT/Qwiic connector with 3.3V, GND, and 2x GPIOs (IO43, IO44) - Development- Arduino, PlatformIO-IDE, Micropython
- Others
-Bat Voltage Detection- IO04
-Onboard functions- Boot (IO00) + Reset + IO21 Button - Power
-5V via USB Type-C port
-2-pin 1.25mm pitch JST header for LiPo battery - Dimensions – 60 x 25.5 x 10mm
The datasheets, schematics, and basic instructions to get started with the Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, or the ESP-IDF may all be found on GitHub.
The T-Display-S3 AMOLED is quite comparable to the T-Display-S3 and the T-Display-S3 Touch; the primary distinctions between these three displays are detailed in the table that follows.
It is compatible with any microcontroller that supports SPI using the SPI interface. A module is a practical option for portable applications because it has a built-in battery management mechanism. It is perfect for wearable and Internet of Things projects because of its small size and low power consumption.
Purchase Information
The product page sells T-Display-S3 AMOLED for $25.68 USD, and T-Display-S3 Touch Screen for $21.22 USD. On AliExpress for $33.98, the original T-Display-S3, which costs $19.98, and the Touch model, which costs $26.95.