Configurable as quad, triple, dual or single output, the LTM4643 quad output step-down µModule [micromodule] (power module) regulator deliver, respectively, 12A, 6A & 6A or 9A & 3A, or 4 x 3A from a 9 x 15 x 1.82 mm ultrathin LGA package. by Graham Prophet @
This flexibility enables system designers to rely on one simple and compact µModule regulator for a variety of voltage and load current requirements in FPGA, GPU, ASIC and processor-based applications. The 1.82 mm height ultrathin package allows the LTM4643 to be mounted on the backside of the PCB, freeing space on the topside. The LTM4643 is suitable for systems with height restrictions, such as backside PCB assembly in PCIe applications and where the regulator must fit under a common heat sink or cold plate to cool high power FPGAs, GPUs, ASICs and processors in applications such as embedded computing, data storage, medical imaging and industrial systems
LTM4643 – Ultrathin Quad μModule Regulator with Configurable 3A Output Array – [Link]