M5Stack CamS3 Features OV2640 Sensor and 66.5° Field of View

M5Stack CamS3 Features OV2640 Sensor and 66.5° Field of View


M5Stack recently released a new ESP32-powered, pocket-sized camera unit featuring a 2MP OV2640 image sensor with a broad 66.5° diagonal field of view. Priced at $14.90, this camera can be used for computer vision or time-lapse photography.

We have previously covered various AI-powered ESP32 Cam modules, including AIESP-EYE, AI-Thinker T-CAMERA, and others. You can check those out if interested.

The M5Stack CamS3 Unit is equipped with an ESP32-S3 dual-core processor running at 240 MHz, 8M PSRAM, and 16M Flash memory, it also includes an onboard antenna.

As this is powered by an ESP32-S3 this device features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. It also includes a built-in PDM microphone, an SD Card slot for storage, and an LED status indicator for showing data transmission activity. For programming the device CamS3 Unit utilizes a HY2.0-4P port, exposing the internal D+/D- pins of the S3 module.

The camera module has a rolling shutter and supports up to 15 FPS in UXGA (1600 x 1200) resolution. It outputs various formats including YUV, YCbCr422, compressed data, RGB565/555, and 8-/10-bit Raw RGB data.

Technical Specifications of M5Stack CamS3 with OV2640 Sensor:

  • Core Module: ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8, 240MHZ dual-core CPU with an onboard antenna.
  • Memory: 8M PSRAM and 16M Flash memory.
  • Camera Specifications: Equipped with a 2 Megapixel OV2640 sensor
  • Storage: Includes a built-in MicroSD card slot for expanded storage options.
  • Indicator: Comes with a programmable indicator light for operational status.
  • Camera Output Formats: Supports YUV (422/420)/YCbCr422, 8-bit compressed data, RGB565/555, and 8-/10-bit Raw RGB data.
  • Field of View: 66.5° diagonal.
  • Microphone Model: PDM MSM1261D4030HCPM.
  • Operational Temperature Range: 0-40°C.
  • Build Material: Plastic shell.
  • Dimensions:
    • Product: 40x24x11mm
    • Packaging: 136x92x20mm
  • Weight:
    • Product: 10.8g
    • Package: 18.9g

Included with the M5Stack CAMS3 Unit are several essential accessories: a Grove2USB-C Adapter for connectivity, two Male-to-Male Breadboard Jumper Wires for circuit connections, a 20cm HY2.0-4P Wire for extended interfacing, and a LEGO-Compatible Adapter for creative integrations.

The M5Stack CamS3, featuring the OV2640 Sensor Unit, is available for purchase at $14.90 on their official product page. For more technical details, you can visit their documentation page.

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