Analog Devices Inc. has launched ADXL367 three-axis MEMS accelerometer intended for applications such as vital signs monitoring, hearing aids, and motion-enabled metering devices. The accelerometer lowers power consumption by a factor of two compared a previous generation of the device (ADXL362) while improving noise performance by up to 30 percent.
The accelerometer lowers power consumption by a factor of two compared a previous generation of the device (ADXL362) while improving noise performance by up to 30 percent.
The ADXL367 consumes 0.88 microamps at a 100Hz output data rate and 180nA when in motion-triggered wake-up mode. Unlike accelerometers that use power duty cycling to achieve low power consumption, the ADXL367 does not alias input signals by under-sampling but rather samples the full bandwidth of the sensor at all data rates.
The unit consumes 200nW motion detection in wakeup mode, and 970nW in measurement. The component includes a multimode output FIFO, a built-in micropower temperature sensor, an internal ADC for synchronous conversion of an additional analogue input, single/double tap detection and state machine to prevent a false triggering.
It operates from supply voltages down to 1.1V allowing for single cell battery operation without external boost converters.
The chip comes in a package measuring 2.3mm by 2.2mm by 0.87mm. It is in full production and priced at $2.95 per unit in quantities of 1,000.
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