ON Semiconductor’s RSL10 family of Bluetooth 5 certified radio SoCs now supports the Bluetooth SIG mesh networking standard. By Ally Winning @ eenewsembedded.com
The company has also introduced a new PC software application with the RSL10 USB dongle that has software and design support tools to ease development. Along with BLE Explorer software applications, the RSL10 USB Dongle also helps developers scan, connect, and wirelessly interact with prototypes while monitoring and logging behaviour.
Consuming 62.5 nW while in Deep Sleep mode and seven mW peak receive power, RSL10 provides advanced wireless functionality without compromising battery life. The RSL10 radio’s energy efficiency was recently tested using the EEMBC’s ULPMark, where it was the first device to break 1,000 ULP Marks, and it also produced Core Profile scores more than twice those of the previous industry leader.
More information: www.onsemi.com