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Michigan Micro Mote - The World's Smallest Computer

The battle of the world smallest computer is something the researchers at the University of Michigan don't attempt to give up anytime soon with the introduction of the Michigan Micro Mote, a computer smaller than a grain of rice. The Michigan Micro Mote has helped researchers at the University of... Read More

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Hi, I'm software, a hardware guy, and a technical writer. Have had a stint with the EdTech industries, but mostly interested in the space of deploying AI for edge computing. Otherwise, I am writing or coding about some technology pieces covering IoT, GPU computing, LoraWAN, PCB, Machine Learning, Precision Agriculture, Open Electronics, and related fields. Got a tip, freebies, launch, gig or leak? Contact me on Twitter, or via email: charlesayibiowuAThotmail.com. I don't bite.

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