Diodes are one of the most common used electronic components in our designs used to direct the current flow. Single-molecule electronics is a “branch of nanotechnology that uses single molecules, or nanoscale collections of single molecules, as electronic components.” according to Wikipedia definition, and shrinking the size of components is one of the biggest target researchers are looking forward.
The concept of Single-molecule diode was introduced in 1974 by Aviram & Ratner, and the single-molecule diode consists of an asymmetric molecule which includes a donor–bridge–acceptor architecture to mimic a semiconductor p–n junction.
The performance of single-molecule diode still need improvement, compared to the performance of the conventional ones, and that’s what researchers are trying to do. Recently, Researchers at TU Delft in the Netherlands made a single molecule diode with a rectification ratio of 600 much higher than the value of 15 measured in earlier research.
Via: elektormagazine