NiteFury is an Artix-7 FPGA development board in an M.2 form-factor that includes on-board DDR3 RAM. This combination lets you work with PCI Express at incredible rates from inside your laptop or desktop. You can also use NiteFury as an FPGA co-processor. Let Xilinx’s largest Artix-7 handle your encryption or act as a hardware-level encoder/decoder for speedy workflows. It’s your FPGA, design what you like.
NiteFury Features
- Giant FPGA: NiteFury features the largest Artix-series part that Xilinx makes. It has six times the processing power of PicoEVB. It uses the Xilinx A200T FPGA at just under 1000 GMAC/s.
- On-board RAM: The faster you process with an Artix-7, the more you may need to store. The on-board DDR3, 4 Gb (512 MB x 16) RAM keeps data within arms reach and takes the burden off your computer.
- Popular Form Factor: NiteFury fits in the M.2 M key slot, which is popular in laptops today. This slot features 4x PCIe for high bandwidth (2 GB/s). Why keep your FPGA on your desk when you can take it with you?
- Affordable: Buying the Xilinx Artix-7 XC7A200T FPGA alone would generally cost around $250. By teaming up with another company, NiteFury gives you all that power with little additional cost (especially during the campaign).
- Open Source: Because company is good to have, NiteFury is open source hardware. The board repository is at
- Expandable: With twelve external I/O in total, four of which are selectable as either analog or digital, you aren’t just confined to interfacing via computer. The connectors used in the design are easy to find Pico-EZmates and a DF52.
The project is live on and has 42 days left to be funded. For $329 your get the original NiteFury, with the largest Artix FPGA and 4 Gb DDR3.
Where to buy a nitefury?