M0S Module TinyML Supported By Affordable RISC-V BL616

Sipeed released two embedded devices based on Bouffalo Lab‘s RISC-V BL616 microcontroller. The M0S module has interfaces for WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, and Zigbee. It also works with DVP cameras, RGB LCDs, and Ethernet RMII.

On the product page, it says that the BL616(RV32GCP) has a BL6(RV32GCP) chip with a 32-bit RISC-V CPU with FPU and DSP unit (up to 384MHz) and 4 MB Flash. It has 480KB SRAM and L1 Cache as well.

BL616 block diagram

BL616 system architecture 

According to the datasheet, the MCU also has support for JTAG, XIP, and QSPI flash, in addition to two 32-bit general-purpose timers and an RTC timer with a maximum count of one year.

M0S module & pinout

The MCU can sample at rates of 8, 12, 16, 22,05, 24, 32, 44,1, and 48 kHz, respectively. The BL616 has the following capabilities for security: secure booting, secure debugging, XIP QSPI on-the-fly AES decryption, support for TrustZone, support for AES-CBC/CCM/GCM/XTS, a TRNG, and a Public Key Accelerator for RSA/ECC. All of these capabilities are implemented in hardware.

The product page features some available resources, such as the Bouffalo Lab Software Development Kit (SDK), the Sipeed Wiki, which appears to be empty as of the publication date, and a GitHub repository. The datasheet for the BL616 may be obtained in the GitHub repository maintained by Bouffalo Lab and is also accessible through the repository maintained by Sipeed.

M0S Dock

The M0S module has a wide variety of features, including an RGB LCD and a DVP camera display. Connectivity options include Ethernet RMII, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 802.11b/n/ax., BT/Bluetooth of 5.2, 802.15.4 (Zigbee/Thread), and an audio ADC (MIC, SNR>92dB) and audio DAC (Speaker, SNR>95dB). It supports USB on the go (OTG) from USB 2.0 devices (up to 480Mbps). TinyMaix, MaixHub, and the I/O protocols I2C, UART, and SPI are all included in the software. 10mm x 11mm is the size. Ultra-low power mode (1uA) at 3.3V provides power.

You can purchase a Sipeed M0S module for $3.19 On AliExpress, while the Dock model costs $4.39. There is also a $1.20 off one-item coupon that may be used at the store.

Featuring Arduino Nicla Voice with Speech Recognition, BL5.0 and Much More

Recently, Arduino has introduced a small, low-power integrated module with AI capabilities. Syntiant NDP120 processor designed for Deep Learning applications and ANNA-B112 u-Blox module for wireless communication forms the basis of the Arduino Nicla Voice. The Nicla Voice, much like the recently highlighted Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2, features an ANNA-B112 module built on the Nordic nRF52 SoC series and a Syntiant Neural Decision Processor.

One Syntiant Core 2 U-LP deep neural network inference engine, one Tensilica HiFi 3 Audio DSP, and one Arm Cortex M0 (up to 48MHz), 48KB of static random access memory (SRAM) are all included in the Syntiant NDP120.

The nRF52832 features an Arm Cortex M4 processor (up to 64 MHz), 64KB of SRAM, and 512KB of Flash-mapped FIFOs. Further, it has a 12-bit/200 ksps ADC, 2.4-2.4835 GHz BL 5.0 (through the ARM Cordio stack), and 4.2 (via ArduinoBLE). Not only that but there’s also a 32MHz oscillator on the inside and a 1.8V power supply.


NDP120 block diagram

ANNA B112 block diagram

This datasheet clearly states that  NDP120 supports “concurrent neural networks, 2D convolution, depth-wise convolution, the recurrent neural network including LSTM and GRU, average and max pooling”.

According to Hackster.io, the Arduino Nicla Voice will cost about $82. To sign up for the waiting list, look at the product announcement. On the Hardware page for the Arduino Nicla Voice, you can find the datasheet, libraries, schematics, STEP files, and other guides.

Arduino Nicla Voice pinout

It appears that the Nicla Voice, like the Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2, uses IMUs manufactured by BOSCH. These IMUs consist of a 6-axis gyroscope (BMI270) and a 3-axis accelerometer (BMM150).

Arduino talks about its ability to recognize speech,

“the Nicla Voice speeds up the tempo of product development, whether your launch requires solutions that use voice to play music, make phone calls or pull up the blinds. It makes devices smarter by allowing for multiple wake words, replacing buttons users struggle with, and helping designers integrate unobtrusive voice-command systems into stylish accessories”.

The Arduino Nicla Voice has a list of specs, such as 16 MB SPI Flash storage, BLE 5.0, and Bluetooth mesh connectivity. I/O Interfaces are done through GPIOs 1.8V/3.3V, 10x Digital I/Os, 12x PWM pins, 1x I2C bus (with ESLOV connector), 1x UART, 1x SPI, and 2x ADC. The 6-Axis IMU (BMI270) and 3-Axis IMU (BMM150), 1x Digital MEMS Microphone (IM69D130), and 1x RGB LED are some of the other features. The USB is a Micro-B port. The temperature range is 0°C to 70°C. It gets its power from a 3.3V USB-B Micro port, a 3.7V Li-Po battery, and a JST connector. The size and weight are both 22.86 x 22.86 mm and 2g.

High Geared RISC-V ESP32-P4 SoC Loaded with GPIOs by Espressif

The ESP32 family of system-on-chips (SoCs) from Espressif now includes a new member. The RISC V-based ESP32-P4 has three processing cores, fifty general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins, and a full complement of security options. Interestingly, though, the chip lacks the RF radio.

Despite having three CPU cores, Espressif set them up as a “big-little” architecture with a high-performance (dual-core) and low-power (single-core) setup, respectively. When they aren’t needed, high-performance cores should be turned off.

The ESP32-P4‘s high-performance central processing unit (CPU) is a 400 MHz dual-core RISC-V CPU. The SRAM on the chip is 768 kilobytes in size. When paired with an external PSRAM, however, the on-chip RAM acts as a cache for the immediate area. For low latency buffer access, there are also eight kilobytes of zero-wait tightly linked memory (TCM).

One RISC-V core with up to 40 MHz of clock speed plus specialized SRAM, ROM, and peripherals make up the low-power system. It’s also where the system-on-power chip’s management circuitry is located (PMU). It has a touch interface, a temperature sensor, and low-speed serial interfaces as its peripherals.

The ESP32-P4’s superior security is one of Espressif’s main selling points. Secure boot, flash encryption, a genuinely random number generator, digital signature management, access rights, and privileged isolation are all part of the package.

The 50 general-purpose I/O pins are the most ever included in an Espressif system-on-chip. MIPI (Camera and Display) ports, hardware accelerators for h264 and JPEG, USB, Ethernet, and many more are among the various peripherals available for high-performance CPUs. User interface options on the ESP32-P4 include capacitive touch, speech recognition, and CSI and DSI interfaces. One can use a Pixel Processing Accelerator, which is a piece of hardware, to speed up the processing of graphical displays.

The ESP32-P4 is the first member of the ESP32 series without a radio frequency (RF) transceiver of any type. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other 2.4 GHz wireless technologies are not included. Instead, the ESP32-P4 can communicate with other devices in the ESP32 family using ESP-Hosted, ESP-AT, or a third-party solution, as claimed by Espressif. Wire-based Ethernet is also an option. Overall, the ESP32-P4 is made for edge computing applications that require powerful processing, a sophisticated human-machine interface, and robust security.

The Espressif-IDF will, of course, support the brand-new ESP32-P4 SoC. They promised additional ESP32-P4 details during the next three weeks, and they delivered. Please see the Espressif statement for further information.

Implementing the 100 MHz 6502 In an FPGA

Jürgen Mülle has posted details of re-implementing the 65C02 in an FPGA, in a pin-compatible format that enables you to upgrade old computers and games to a 100 MHz clock rate! Speaking about the project, Jürgen says:

“The idea of implementing a CPU core inside an FPGA is not new, of course. In fact, the CPU core I am using is not my own, but was developed as a 6502 core by Arlet Ottens, and extended to cover the 65C02 opcodes by Ed Spittles and David Banks.”

He started by designing a circuit board that is the same size as a 40-pin dual inline package and has pins that correspond to the 65C02 pinout. This board was then fitted with a Spartan-6 FPGA and 64 kByte of on-chip RAM. He implemented logic within the FPGA that is able to interact with the external 65C02 bus in accordance with the clock signal from the host system. The CPU core within the FPGA clocks at a speed of 100 MHz. The goal is to create a single accelerator that can be used with 6502 and 65C02-based host computers, simply by plugging it into the CPU socket.

The FPGA board must be aware of the memory map of its host in order to determine where the host has memory-mapped I/O. It can store up to 16 different memory maps and switch between them using a mini DIP switch. When the 65F02 is turned on, it takes all of the RAM and ROM content from the host and stores it in its own internal RAM, excluding the I/O area. Once the CPU is running, the internal memory is accessed at 100 MHz for all bus operations, except for I/O addresses. In this case, the CPU will pause and an external bus cycle will be initiated at the external clock rate.

Supported host systems

One of the host systems the project supports are the Chess computers. Jürgen Mülle primarily concentrated on Mephisto chess computers, because they are the main focus of Roland’s collector’s desires. However, he hopes to extend the project to many other items on the wishlist. including Fidelity (Elite A/S Budapest and Glasgow, Prestige, Avantgarde), Novag (Super Constellation, Super Expert C), SciSys (Turbostar),

For microcomputers, the project supports the two 6502-based members of the classic 1977 “Trinity” of home computers – the Apple II and the Commodore PET series. Also, in the future, it will be possible and worthwhile to offer support for some slightly later machines like; The Acorn BBC Micro, Atari 400 and 800, and possibly the Commodore C64 come.

Note that this is a hobby project, and Jürgen Mülle has no plans at the moment to take it commercial. Some of the small-form-factor PCBs have been assembled, and have been successfully tested in the above-mentioned computers. For more information, visit the project page.

Adafruit Feather AIoT Board with ESP32-S-3,WiFi, BLE, and CircuitPython Compatibility

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. The Adafruit Feather AIoT board is a powerful and versatile tool for building Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Equipped with an ESP32-S3 microcontroller, this board offers a combination of WiFi, BLE, and low-power capabilities, making it well-suited for a wide range of IoT applications.

Technical Specifications

  • The Adafruit Feather AIoT S3 is powered by Espressif’s ESP32-S3 WROOM 1 N8R8 module. The ESP32-S3 uses the Xtensa dual-core LX7 processor which is based on 32-bit architecture and works at 240MHz.
  • The board features 384 KB ROM, 8MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM and 512KB SRAM and comes up with Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5.
  • You can charge LiPo and Li-Ion batteries on the Adafruit Feather AIoT S3 board using the 5V USB Type-C port. The board supports I2C, SPI and UART interfaces for connecting to external devices.

The ESP32-S3 microcontroller’s vector extension makes it suitable for machine-learning applications like image and signal processing, object detection and recognition, and neural network interference.

Connectivity Features of Adafruit Feather

The Adafruit Feather AIoT S3 features Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5 for wireless communication. A 2-pin connector is available on board for a single Cell LiPo / Li-Ion battery. 3 buttons are available on board for reset, boot, and user buttons. Pressing the reset button once will restart the ESP32-S3 processor while pressing it twice will enter UF2 Bootloader mode. Additionally BOOT button, when pressed, grants access to the ROM Bootloader, which can be utilized with esptool.

The Maker Feather AIoT S3 development board supports several programming languages and environments, including Arduino, CircuitPython, MicroPython, and Espressif IDF. This makes it a versatile and flexible option for a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) projects.

Some applications include smart home automation, environmental monitoring, voice-controlled smart devices, location tracker, and many more. Furthermore, with the Adafruit Feather AIoT S3, you can control and monitor various devices and appliances in a smart home, such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras. With the Adafruit Feather AIoT S3, you can collect temperature, humidity, air quality and several other factors in the environmental monitoring field.

You can purchase the Adafruit Feather AIoT S3 for $19.95 without a header or for $21.20 with a header. For more information visit the product page. To buy the product visit Cytron Marketplace.

The UP Xtreme i12 Edge Accelerates AI Application Deployment with a Compact, Fast & Powerful Edge System

The UP Xtreme series meets 12th Generation Intel® Core/Celeron® power with the release of the UP Xtreme i12 Edge.

AAEON, a leading manufacturer of AI development solutions, announces the UP Xtreme i12 Edge, its latest addition to the UP product series.

The UP Xtreme i12 Edge makes substantial upgrades on its predecessor with the power-efficient multicore architecture of 12th Generation Intel® Core i7/i5/i3/Celeron® Processors (formerly Alder Lake-P), onboard LPDDR5, and AI module support all contributing to its potential as a system suited to industrial, healthcare, and transport applications.

Providing exceptional expansion options, the UP Xtreme i12 Edge has four M.2 Keys for Wi-Fi 6, 5G, AI, and PCIe 4.0 storage module support. With such options, users are able to bring edge AI computing capabilities to a wider variety of markets. Further, the UP Xtreme i12 Edge supports Intel® Iris® Xe graphics, Intel® DL Boost, and the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, boosting GPU image classification inferencing performance by up to 2.81 times that of the previous generation.

Making use of its fanless 152mm x 123.8mm x 72.5mm chassis, the UP Xtreme i12 Edge is equipped with one USB 4.0, three USB 3.2, and three USB 2.0 ports, along with an Intel® i226-IT LAN port running at 2.5Gpbs with Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). With such a combination, AAEON claims the system can achieve real-time data processing thanks to its onboard LPDDR5 system memory.

Its numerous I/O ports compliment the UP Xtreme i12 Edge’s display interface, which can support four simultaneous 4K displays via configurations of HDMI 2.0, DP 1.4a, and eDP 1.4b ports, further enhanced by Intel® Iris® Xe graphics. These features lead AAEON to believe the UP Xtreme i12 Edge will be a popular choice for smart retail and industrial automation solutions, particularly given its fanless chassis and 12~36V power input range.

The UP Xtreme i12 Edge is now in mass production and available for order, with prices dependent on SKU.

For more information about the UP Xtreme i12 Edge, please visit our product page or contact an AAEON representative directly.

LinkStar-H68K – The Mini Computer Positioned as a Router


IoT hardware specialist, Seeed Studio, recently released a very impressive ‘Router’ (more than a router actually) and we’ll like to take an intensive look at it. So for this article, we will be reviewing the LinkStar-H68K multimedia router and discussing the features that make it stand out amongst others.

The first thing I noticed about the ‘router’ is its compact size. It is light and small; something you can actually lift with one hand and carry everywhere. It is also enclosed in a portable metal box for better heat dissipation.

The LinkStar-H68K Router is built with convenience and flexibility in mind. It comes with enough expansion ability and media player functionality, presenting you with a fully functional device that you can be used at home, in the office or just anywhere you travel.

At the heart of the router is Rockchip RK3568 quad-core Cortex-A55 processor with an ARM Mali-G52 2EE graphics and a Neural processing unit for up to 0.8 TOPS AI performance. The device is also equipped with up to 32GB of eMMC flash storage along with one SD card socket and one USB 3.0 Type-C port that supports an external hard drive for massive storage expansion. There’s also a USB 3.0 Type-A and two USB 2.0 Type-A ports for further usage.

The device can also be used as a neat network player to instantly stream and display media given that it outputs up to 4K immersive visuals. You can also use it to access online services like YouTube or Spotify.

Overall, the LinkStar-H68K Router has up to 4x Ethernet interfaces for 2x 2.5G and 2x 1Gb, so you can use it to establish network-attached storage to store and retrieve abundant information over a network with physical file transformation. The router doubles also as a rugged mini-computer that could be used for digital signage and other applications.

Another impressive feature of the LinkStar-H68K router is the outstanding dual-band Wifi 6 which offers faster throughput speeds and less bandwidth congestion. It can perform as a repeater connecting different WiFi at different places and linking all your devices, which is beneficial for your travel or business trip.


  • Rockchip RK3568 quad-core Cortex-A55 processor @ up to 2.0 GHz
  • Arm Mali-G52 2EE GPU
  • 0.8 TOPS AI accelerator
  • 4Kp60 H.265/H.264/VP9 video decoder
  • 1080p60 H.264/H.265 video encoder
  • 4GB of LPDDR4X memory
  • 32GB of eMMC flash storage
  • 1x microSD card socket
  • 1x HDMI 2.1 port up to 4Kp60
  • 3.5mm audio jack
  • 2x 2.5Gb Ethernet RJ45 ports via 2x Realtek RTL8125B tested up to 2.35/2.31 Gbps
  • 2x 1Gb Ethernet RJ45 ports via 2x Realtek RTL8211F tested up to 944/941 Mbps
  • Optional Wifi 6 up to 1200 Mbps
  • Bluetooth 5.2 via MT7921 PCIe module and two external antennas
  • 1x USB 3.0 Type-C port
  • 1x USB 3.0 Type-A port
  • 2x USB 2.0 Type-A ports
  • Power button and IR receiver
  • 3x LEDs
  • Pin holes for firmware updates, factory reset and reboot
  • Power Supply: 5 to 24V DC via power adaptor or 5V via USB Type-C connector
  • Power consumption: 8W
  • Temperature range: -10 to 55 degrees celsius
  • Dimensions: 80 mm x 60 mm x 40 mm

Highlights of the LinkStar-H68K Multimedia Router

  • Small and compact; it can be lifted with one hand and carried everywhere
  • Great wireless capability and high throughput performance with Bluetooth 5.2 and an outstanding WiFi 6 technology
  • Fast-speed router deployment
  • High storage capacity and great extensibility
  • 4K multimedia player
  • Support for multiple operating systems including Ubuntu, OpenWRT, Android 11, etc.

The router comes pre-installed with Android 11 and has support for Ubuntu, Debian, OpenWrt, Android, Armbian, and Buildroot. The router is offered in two versions; an entry-level model without a wireless card and a more expensive version with MediaTek MT921 wireless module. Since the Android and Ubuntu images do not support the wireless module, you may have to switch to OpenWrt or Debian or just use your own wireless solution.

You can charge it via a 5V to 24V power barrel Jack or or a 5V via USB Type-C port. The router can also be operated between -10 to 55 degrees Celsius.


Seeed Studio is offering the LinkStar-H68K Router for $129 but you can buy it for less at $119 if you pre-order before the end of this month (December 30th). The price mentioned above is actually for the version with 4GB RAM/32GB eMMC storage with WiFi 6 but the one with 2GB RAM/32GB eMMC and without WiFi 6 sells for $99 (same $10 early bird discount applies).

Variscite Releases New System on Module for Energy-Efficient Machine Learning Edge Devices

The VAR-SOM-MX93 is based on NXP’s i.MX93 newest application processor, offers ML, power efficiency, and cost-effective advantages

Variscite, a leading worldwide System on Module (SoM) designer, developer, and manufacturer, today announced new, state-of-the-art SoM for energy-efficient machine learning edge devices. Variscite’s VAR-SOM-MX93 is based on NXP’s iMX93 processor, the industry’s first implementation of the Arm® neural processing unit, Ethos™-U65 microNPU, offers a rich set of features at an attractive price and targets markets like industrial, IoT, smart devices, and wearables.

The VAR-SOM-MX93 is designed to accelerate ML and offers an energy-flex architecture for efficient processing. It’s based on a 1.7GHz Dual Cortex™-A55 NXP iMX93 processor and an additional 250MHz Cortex-M33 real-time co-processor with a dedicated Neural Processing Unit (NPU) 0.5 TOPS and built-in security features.

The VAR-SOM-MX93 is a member of the VAR-SOM Pin2Pin System on Module family that provides extended scalability options: from the entry point with the i.MX 6UltraLite platforms, through the i.MX 6 and i.MX 8M processors families, up to the high-performance i.MX 8X and i.MX 8QuadMax platforms. This broad Pin2Pin product family allows Variscite’s customers to enjoy extended longevity, as well as reduced development time, costs, and risks.

The SoM offers industrial features like 2x CAN bus, 2x GbE, and industrial temperature grade plus a wide range of features and connectivity options: camera inputs, audio in/out, ADC, 2x USB, certified dual-band Wi-Fi, BT/BLE, and display outputs.

“As a company dedicated to being first to market with innovative solutions, we are proud to deliver the VAR-SOM-MX93, which provides our customers with a high-quality, future-proof SoM that meets the market’s demand for energy-efficiency solution, especially for smart edge devices,” said Ofer Austerlitz, VP Business Development and Sales of Variscite. “This next generation of technology extends the coverage of Variscite solutions for the embedded market.”

VAR-SOM-MX93 Evaluation kit

The VAR-SOM-MX93 evaluation kits include the related SoM with the scalable Symphony carrier board and an optional LVDS display with a touch panel.

 Availability and longevity

Both the evaluation kits and the SoMs are now available to order for Variscite’s alpha customers. The VAR-SOM-MX93 is included in Variscite’s long-term longevity plan and will provide an expected availability of 15 years.

Launching MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 board with a Bosch SensorTech BME688

The Bosch SensorTech BME688 4-in-1 pressure, humidity, temperature, and gas sensor has replaced the HTS221 humidity sensor and the LP22HB barometric pressure sensor on the MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 board for Arduino MKR boards, and the LSM6DSOX has been replaced the LSM6DS3.

The Arduino MKR IoT Carrier, which first debuted as part of the Arduino Oplà IoT Kit, became available in February 2021, providing a display, sensors, and I/Os for Arduino MKR boards through wireless networks. To further serve its customers, the business has released an updated version of the Arduino MKR IoT Carrier, which includes additional sensors and the relocation of some of the original’s parts.

The Arduino MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 has an impressive list of features and specifications. Connectivity options like WiFi, LoRa, NB-IoT, and 3G cellular are supported by Arduino MKR family boards. A microSD card slot is available for more storage. The OLED screen is a full circle and is 1.3 inches in diameter, with a resolution of 240 by 240. Two 24V relays (V23079) and three Grove connectors (two analog and one digital, I2C) serve as input/output devices. The Arduino Nicla Sense ME utilizes the same Bosch SensorTech BME688 4-in-1 pressure, humidity, temperature, and gas sensor. In addition to the 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope included on the STMicro LSM6DSOX 6-axis IMU, it also features a digital RGB, light, gesture, and proximity sensor from Broadcom called the APDS-9960. In addition, there are 5x RGB LEDs, 5x capacitive touch buttons, a Buzzer, and a Reset button. MKR board featuring a slot for a 18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery provides the board’s power at 5V. It does not include a battery, and the dimension is 85 mm.

Aesthetically, the updated carrier board is not that different from the original design. There are a few alterations, such as the addition of a reset button, the rotation of the relay connections by ninety degrees, and the relocation of the light sensor (APDS-9960). The relays’ control pins have been switched to 1 and 2. In addition, swap the roles of pins A5 and A6 on the grove connection.

With the most recent version of the Arduino MKRIoTCarrier library, the new MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 should work with your existing program without modification. In the same vein as traditional projects, the carrier board may be used with Arduino MKR boards to build monitoring stations, graphical user interfaces for the internet of things, and controllers for other devices. The Arduino documentation page contains further technical insights and tools for getting started.

The Arduino MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 is available for purchase on the Arduino shop for $63.60 (or 60 Euros). The Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 or Arduino MKR WAN 1310 MKR board is also required.

Microchip Technology WBZ451 Curiosity Board

Microchip Technology WBZ451 Curiosity Board is an efficient and modular development platform. It supports rapid prototyping and demonstrates the features, capabilities, and interfaces of Microchip’s BLUETOOTH® Low Energy and Zigbee RF Module (WBZ451PE).


  • WBZ451PE BLUETOOTH® Low Energy and Zigbee RF module
  • USB or Li-Po battery powered
  • On-board programmer/debug circuit using PKoB4 based on Microchip SAME70 MCU
  • Microchip MCP73871 Li-Ion/LiPo battery charger with power path management
  • On-board USB to UART serial converter with hardware flow control based on Microchip MCP2200
  • mikroBUS socket to expand functionality using Mikroe Click adapter boards
  • RGB LED connected to Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
  • One reset switch
  • One user-configurable switch
  • One user LED
  • 32.768kHz crystal
  • Microchip SST26VF064B, 64-Mbit external QSPI Flash memory
  • Microchip MCP9700A, low power analog voltage temperature sensor
  • 10-pin Arm® Serial Wire Debug (SWD) header for external programmer/debugger

The PIC32CX-BZ2 and WBZ451 Curiosity Board:

  • Offers integrated programming/debugging features using the PICkit™ On-board 4 (PKOB4) debugger interface.
  • Requires only a Micro USB cable to power-up and program the board.
  • Includes a mikroBUS™ Click™ header, which helps the users to expand the functionalities by connecting to various MikroElectronika mikroBUS Click adapter boards.
  • Performs rapid prototyping utilizing the Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee-enabled RF Module.

The PIC32CX-BZ2 and WBZ451 Curiosity Board supports a variety of applications:

  • Wireless lighting
  • Home automation or Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Industrial automation
  • Other Bluetooth Low Energy or Zigbee-related applications

more information: https://www.microchip.com/en-us/development-tool/EV96B94A

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