Blip – A Nordic nRF52840 dev board with sensors, NFC, Bluetooth, and debugger

Blip – A Nordic nRF52840 dev board with sensors, NFC, Bluetooth, and debugger

Blip is a development board for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and 802.15.4-based wireless applications, built around the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 SoC. It is able to help you easily start your next IoT Development using BLE technology. Blip has a Black Magic Probe compatible...

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32 band Audio Spectrum Analyzer using OLED display and Attiny85

32 band Audio Spectrum Analyzer using OLED display and Attiny85

Visualizations are an important part of a music player. They provide the user with something to feast their eyes on especially when the music has no video. For today's tutorial, we will build a visualization device, capable of providing a visual representation for any kind of music fed...

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Minimal I2C for the New AVR Microcontrollers

Minimal I2C for the New AVR Microcontrollers

This article describes a set of minimal I2C routines for the new 0-series and 1-series ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers. They allow any of these processors to act as an I2C Master and connect to I2C peripherals. As an example of their use I've designed a digital clock circuit based on...

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High Power Bidirectional DC Motor Driver using IFX007T

High Power Bidirectional DC Motor Driver using IFX007T

This motor driver circuit can drive a brushed DC motor with up to 250W of continuous load. The project can be controlled with the general logic IO-Ports of any microcontroller. Either an Arduino Uno or other microcontroller can be used as the control board. The project uses two IFX007T...

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Arrow Electronics Launches European FPGA Developer Contest

Arrow Electronics Launches European FPGA Developer Contest

Arrow Electronics has launched a competition to find the most innovative and imaginative FPGA-based designs in Europe. To encourage a wide participation, Arrow is offering a development board free-of-charge to each entrant who submits a verified project plan. Entries will be judged on...

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Webtronics’ Toasty USB Development Board Is Designed Around an STM32

Webtronics’ Toasty USB Development Board Is Designed Around an STM32

There are quite a number of USB development boards available that can be utilized for any number of projects, with the most popular being the ATtiny85 and the Teensy line from PJRC. However, UK-based Webtronics have recently announced their entrant into the USB development board into...

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High Power Bidirectional DC Motor Driver using IFX007T

High Power Bidirectional DC Motor Driver using IFX007T

This motor driver circuit can drive a brushed DC motor with up to 250W of continuous load. The project can be controlled with the general logic IO-Ports of any microcontroller. Either an Arduino Uno or another microcontroller can be used as the control board. The project uses two...

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Top 10 +1 Free PCB Design Software for 2021

Top 10 +1 Free PCB Design Software for 2021

After the official birth of commercial EDA since 1981, different design software as been produced from the EDA industry. Printed Circuit Boards, also known as PCBs, are the foundation of any hardware-based product. Before EDA software, Engineers usually designed electronics circuitry and...

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