Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge Using IRS2453

Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge Using IRS2453

This is a Self-oscillating full-bridge project built using the IRS2453 chip. This chip incorporates a high-voltage full-bridge gate driver with a front-end oscillator similar to the industry standard CMOS 555 timer. HVIC and latch-immune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic...

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Function Generator Using AD9833 DDS – Arduino Compatible 

Function Generator Using AD9833 DDS – Arduino Compatible 

This is an Arduino-compatible hardware designed for building a low-cost function generator. The project consists of all the required spices to build your own function generator. It includes multiple options such as a potentiometer, rotary encoder, tactile switches, op-amp, and 16x2...

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Power Up Your TinyML and Edge AI Projects with Sipeed’s New MAIX M1s and M0sense Boards

Power Up Your TinyML and Edge AI Projects with Sipeed’s New MAIX M1s and M0sense Boards

Sipeed a well-known manufacturer of sensor and development boards has recently released two cutting-edge RISC-V development boards - the MAIX M1s and M0sense. This board not only supports AI on Edge, but it can also run TinyML applications. With a price tag of only $6 and $4, these...

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Analog To Digital Conversion – Decoding Signals

Analog To Digital Conversion – Decoding Signals

Converting Digital Data To Analog Signals In the previous parts of the article, we considered how to convert an analog signal to digital by PCM method, as a binary encoding process. Now we want to consider the reverse process as binary decoding. This combination of binary...

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12-Bit Programmable Contactless Encoder Module

12-Bit Programmable Contactless Encoder Module

The 12-Bit programmable contactless encoder project presented here is based on AS5601 chip. This is an easy-to-program magnetic rotary position sensor module with incremental quadrature (A/B) and 12-bit digital outputs. Additionally, the PUSH output indicates fast airgap changes...

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Contactless Potentiometer – 12bit Rotary Position Sensor with Analog or PWM Output

Contactless Potentiometer – 12bit Rotary Position Sensor with Analog or PWM Output

This is an easy-to-program magnetic rotary position sensor with high-resolution 12-bit analog or PWM output. This contactless system measures the absolute angle of a diametric magnetized on-axis magnet. The project is designed for contactless potentiometer applications and its robust...

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Analog To Digital Conversion – Binary Encoding

Analog To Digital Conversion – Binary Encoding

Introduction In the first part of this article, we considered the two main stages of a PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) system as the widespread A/D (Analog to Digital Conversion) method and we saw how a continuous signal can be sampled in time and then quantized to limited integer levels in...

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Analog To Digital Conversion – Sampling and Quantization

Analog To Digital Conversion – Sampling and Quantization

INTRODUCTION - Converting Continuous Signals To Discrete By definition, an analog signal changes continuously over time and it has an infinite variety of amplitude values as time goes on. The best example of an analog physical signal is our voice. Whatever we speak we generate sound...

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