Program ATtiny 0-Series Chips with a Miniature UPDI Dongle

Program ATtiny 0-Series Chips with a Miniature UPDI Dongle

Thanks to their tiny size and improved capabilities, the ATtiny-0-Series of microcontrollers have been a delight for designers and DIYers looking for a microcontroller with the ease of use associated with the Arduino boards, but with a way smaller form factor associated with ATtiny...

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Getting Started with IoT Cloud Platform

Getting Started with IoT Cloud Platform

In the last tutorial, we examined How to connect your IoT devices to the Arduino IoT Cloud, and we saw how to send and receive data, from and to the cloud. With multiple cloud solutions available for IoT devices, there might be a need for you to work with one not as traditional as the...

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TTGO T-Camera is an ESP32 CAM Board With OLED and AI Capabilities.

TTGO T-Camera is an ESP32 CAM Board With OLED and AI Capabilities.

Just like Arduino, ESP32 has been one of the boards that have found love among hackers and makers around the world. Unlike general Arduino boards, ESP32 offers much more at a fraction of the cost and most importantly are usually compatible with Arduino based code. Recently we have...

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Getting Started with the NodeMCU (ESP8266 Based Development Board)

Getting Started with the NodeMCU (ESP8266 Based Development Board)

As the popularity of Arduino boards increased, the demand for boards which comes embedded with some of the add-ons used with the Arduino increased. One of the most popular add-ons were the WiFi modules which are used to connect Arduino boards to the internet. Several boards were...

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Getting Started with the NodeMCU (ESP8266 Based Development Board)

Getting Started with the NodeMCU (ESP8266 Based Development Board)

As the popularity of Arduino boards increased, the demand for boards which comes embedded with some of the add-ons used with the Arduino increased. One of the most popular add-ons were the WiFi modules which are used to connect Arduino boards to the internet. Several boards were released...

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ESP32 with multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors

ESP32 with multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors

Guide to ESP32 with multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors from Random Nerd Tutorials: This guide shows how to read temperature from multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. We’ll show you how to wire the sensors on the same data bus to the ESP32, install...

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Robot Core – The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Robot Controller
ControlRaspberry PiRobotsSensor

Robot Core – The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Robot Controller

The Robot Core, which is a robot control board for the Raspberry Pi and Arduino, brings many different elements into one awesome package. It allows you to efficiently control motors, servos, and read sensor data without needing 3-4 additional boards to hookup. Several Robot Core boards...

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Circuit Board Design for Beginners

Circuit Board Design for Beginners

By: Alex Danovich,President San Francisco Circuits We live in an exciting time where we see a resurgence in electronics as a hobby. Mass production has wiped out a generation or two of kids learning to build radios from scratch with their mom or dad. In the good old days, not sure...

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