Hexadecimal Numbers

Hexadecimal Numbers

Hexadecimal Numbers The Hexadecimal (16) number is a base-16 numbering system that uses sixteen (16) numbers to represent its digit's value. The hexadecimal number uses a group or set of four (4) binary digits to form a hexadecimal digit. In other words, a hexadecimal digit is equivalent...

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BeagleBone launched a new AI-64 single-board computer for computer vision systems

BeagleBone launched a new AI-64 single-board computer for computer vision systems

BeagleBone has announced a new addition to the long list of BeagleBone single-board computers, AI-64, a high-performance computer, custom-made for embedded IoT applications. BeagleBone AI-64 single-board computer is a complete hardware system that is capable of delivering improved...

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Google and SkyWater Technology collaborate to launch an Open-Silicon developer portal

Google and SkyWater Technology collaborate to launch an Open-Silicon developer portal

With the exponential increase in the demand and requirement of silicon-based chips, Google, in partnership with SkyWater Technology, has launched a new platform to encourage and help the developer community to get started with its Open MPW shuttle program. Leveraging SkyWater’s...

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The Negative Feedback in Electronics

The Negative Feedback in Electronics

Introduction According to Norbert Wiener, the American mathematician and the father of cybernetics, feedback is a method of controlling a system by reinserting the results of its past performance into it. In a feedback system, a signal that is proportional to the output is fed back to...

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Two-Port Parameters and Transformations

Two-Port Parameters and Transformations

Introduction A linear circuit is one whose output signal is linearly proportional to its input signal. As a simple case, it is possible to model the network at only two terminals as shown in Figure 1. Here, only V1 and I1 as the voltage and the current internal to the circuit, need to be...

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Binary Numbers

Binary Numbers

Binary Numbers The binary numbers are expressed in the base-2 number system which has only two (2) distinct number values i.e. 0 and 1. Just like, most common, decimal numbers are expressed in a base-10 number system having ten (10) distinct numbers from 0 to 9. These number systems are...

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What is a System ?

What is a System ?

Introduction The system is a general name that indicates several meanings and concepts. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a system as “a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole”. A physical system is a unit or a combination made up of...

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Allegro MicroSystems ACS72981 Linear Hall-Effect Current Sensor ICs

Allegro MicroSystems ACS72981 Linear Hall-Effect Current Sensor ICs

Allegro MicroSystems ACS72981 High-Precision Linear Hall-Effect-Based Current Sensor ICs are economical and precise AC or DC sensing solutions. The ACS72981 features a 250kHz bandwidth ideal for motor control, load detection and management, power supply and DC-to-DC converter control,...

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