ATtiny85 Audio Sample Player

ATtiny85 Audio Sample Player

While the ATtiny series of microcontrollers have been around for a long time, their popularity until recently was low. DIY enthusiasts and Professional designers now use them in diverse projects, most of which, in the past, would have featured an Arduino or a bigger MCU like the...

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USB-C Power Tester based on ATtiny45/85

USB-C Power Tester based on ATtiny45/85

USB power testers provide users with the opportunity of examining how much power a device plugged into a USB port is drawing from the port. While this is mostly used by designers who are building USB-powered devices and are trying to evaluate how much power it consumes, it is sometimes...

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Programming the ATtiny10 with IDE

Programming the ATtiny10 with IDE

The ATtiny10 is a high-performance, low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller which combines 1KB ISP flash memory, 32B SRAM, 4x general-purpose I/O lines, 16 general purpose working registers, a 16-bit timer/counter with two PWM channels, internal and external...

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Star-Delta Transformation

Star-Delta Transformation

Introduction This article will focus on an electronic transformation of circuits known as star-delta transform or Y-Δ transform, which names come from the shape of the circuits involved and presented in Figure 1. The goal of this article is to understand how to transform a Y...

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ESP32 Burninator is a tiny laser engraver

ESP32 Burninator is a tiny laser engraver

As the name implies, a linear stepper is linear a variation of the rotary stepper motor design, radially cut and laid out flat. It is similar to the rotary version in operation and performance, and it typically runs as an open-loop system with the ability to provide high resolution at...

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Sensirion Gas/Temp/Humidity Sensor Kit

Sensirion Gas/Temp/Humidity Sensor Kit

While browsing through the internet to check up on the latest air quality sensors for use in a project I am working on, I stumbled across the Sensirion environmental sensor shield. Examining the features of the Kit I stumbled on an interesting project based on this Kit. The project was...

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UP Xtreme: Powering Intelligent Surveillance Solutions

UP Xtreme: Powering Intelligent Surveillance Solutions

Many developers and users of security solutions are looking for ways to get more out of their surveillance systems by deploying intelligent edge computing platforms. UP Xtreme, from AAEON’s UP Board division, is being deployed along with technology from partners including Intel®,...

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Ohm’s Law

Ohm’s Law

Introduction The fundamental relation between the current, voltage, and resistance is known as Ohm's law and is probably the most famous and elementary physical law of electronics. It is in 1827 when the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm publishes for the first time in the book "Die...

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