Tiny Reflow Controller with character LCD

Reflow ovens are an important part of the development of PCB for electronic products when using surface mount components. They provide a route through which PCBs can be quickly populated with SMD components, however, for accurate results, the heat across the oven needs to be controlled and timed correctly. To achieve this, manufacturers use a kind of controller, like “Tiny Reflow Controller”, and with several DIY reflow ovens being used by makers around the world, we thought it would be a good fit for today’s tutorial to focus on the development of DIY Reflow Oven Controller.

As mentioned above, reflow oven controllers are quite important in ensuring just the right amount of heat is applied in the soldering process for SMD components and this importance has led to the development of quite a number of different Reflow oven controller projects, which someone can find on the internet. However, for today’s tutorial, we will look at the first version of Rocket Stream’s tiny Reflow Oven Controller v1 which is probably the most well tested DIY reflow oven controller on the internet, as it is the one being used by Rocket Stream themselves for the manufacturing of their boards.

The Rocket Stream’s Reflow Oven Controller v1 is powered by the ATtiny1634R and uses the latest thermocouple sensor interface IC MAX31856 from Maxim. It is one of the cheapest designs on the internet as Rocket Stream was able to reduce the overall cost of the design by not using a development board like the Arduino and using as many SMD parts as possible in place of through-hole components, to reduce the time that goes in and the work involved leaving only the terminal block and the LCD connector as the only through-hole components.

The ATtiny1634R is one of the new ATtinys we discussed in the last article. It is a High Performance, Low Power AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller  with Advanced RISC Architecture, 16K Bytes of In-System, Self-Programmable Flash Program Memory and 256 Bytes of In-System Programmable EEPROM with support for up to 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles. It comes In-System Programmable via SPI Port and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE.

Other components involved include an external Solid State Relay (SSR) which should be rated according to the current draw of your oven (heater) and a K type thermocouple which provides temperature feedback to the controller and an LCD on which information/status of the system is displayed.

At the end of this project, you know the workings behind the Tiny Reflow Controller and you will have built up the courage required to attempt building one by yourself.

Required Components

The following main components are required to build the project:

  • ATtiny1634R
  • MAX31856 thermocouple interface
  • K-Type Thermocouple(Rocket stream recommends those with fiberglass or steel jacket
  • 8×2 LCD black character with yellow backlight
  • 2 push button
  • 1 red LED
  • 2 Terminal Blocks
  • 1 Transistor
  • 1 Buzzer

Yes you guessed right. The list is definitely longer than this but so things doesn’t get messy, other components that are required are provided in the table below

Component Count: 51

Ref Qnty Value
C1, C2 2 10nF
C3, C6, C7, C8, C9 5 100nF
C4, C5 2 1uF 16V X7R
C10, C11, C12 3 10uF 10V X5R
D1 1 Red
D2 1 PMEG3020CPA
D3 1 1N4148WS
J4 1 2.54mm 2×3
J5 1 2.54mm 1×6
L1 1 BLM18KG221SN1D
LS1 1 HYG9605B
Q1, Q2 2 2N3904
R1 1 35WR10KLFTR
R2, R3 2 100R
R4, R5, R9, R10 4 10K
R6 1 2K2
R7 1 27K
R8 1 53K6
SW1, SW2 2 IT-1109S
SW3 1 TS-018
U2 1 MCP1700T-3302E/MB
U3 1 MAX31856
U4 1 RT0802A

This BOM is also attached in the zip file under the download section and could be used to place the order for all the components at once.


Since most of the components to be used are SMD, it only makes sense to implement this project on a PCB. However, users can choose to get the through-hole version of the components so it can be implemented on a breadboard. The schematics for the project is shown in the image below.

Tiny Reflow Controller v1 schematic

The schematics and the resulting PCB were developed with KICAD and the files are attached in the zip file under the download section. You can edit the design to make whatever modification you want or just use the Gerber files which have already been generated to produce your own PCB. An image of the tiny reflow oven controller is shown below.

Tiny Reflow Controller v1 bottom board (without LCD)


We will use the Arduino IDE to develop the code for today’s project, as such, you will need to install the Arduino IDE board support files for the ATTINY1634R microcontroller so it can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. Check out our tutorial on setting up the Arduino IDE to program ATtiny based microcontrollers to get some help.

The sketch for today’s project is based on the example code shipped by Rocket Stream. It runs the reflow process via a PID control algorithm that is based on the awesome Arduino PID library written by Brett Beauregard. The sketch simply evaluates the current heat level, compares it with what the value should be at that particular reflow stage and adjust itself using the PID algorithms to ensure it’s up to par.

Asides the PID Library, other libraries used for the project include; the Liquid Crystal Library which was used to interface with the LCD, the Adafruit Max31856 library which was used to interface with the thermocouple, and the Arduino EEPROM library which was used to manage the storage and extraction of data on the EEPROM. While the EEPROM library comes with the Arduino IDE, the other libraries can be installed via the Arduino library manager.

As usual, I will do a brief explanation of the code highlighting the major parts. The example code we will work with, takes into account both leaded and lead-free reflow oven configurations, allowing users to change from one to the other via a push button.

We start the sketch by including all the libraries that we will use, after which we create a type definition that holds several parameters to indicate the state of the reflow process.

// ***** INCLUDES *****
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Adafruit_MAX31856.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>

// ***** TYPE DEFINITIONS *****
typedef enum REFLOW_STATE
} reflowState_t;

We also create other type declarations to hold the reflow status, switch status, debounce state and the Reflow_Profile based on the switch status.

typedef enum REFLOW_STATUS
} reflowStatus_t;

typedef	enum SWITCH
}	switch_t;

typedef enum DEBOUNCE_STATE
} debounceState_t;

typedef enum REFLOW_PROFILE
} reflowProfile_t;

Next, we create variables to hold constant values that will be used irrespective of the profile selected (General Profile constant) and we follow it up by creating variables to hold values specific to Lead-free profile and also create those specific to the leaded profile. This ensures that irrespective of the profile selected by the user, the necessary information will be available.

// ***** CONSTANTS *****


#define SOAK_MICRO_PERIOD_PB 10000

Next, we create variables to be used by the PID Algorithm, followed by LCD messages and a few other variables. The names are very descriptive so it should be easy to follow.

// ***** PID PARAMETERS *****
// ***** PRE-HEAT STAGE *****
#define PID_KP_PREHEAT 100
#define PID_KI_PREHEAT 0.025
#define PID_KD_PREHEAT 20
// ***** SOAKING STAGE *****
#define PID_KP_SOAK 300
#define PID_KI_SOAK 0.05
#define PID_KD_SOAK 250
// ***** REFLOW STAGE *****
#define PID_KP_REFLOW 300
#define PID_KI_REFLOW 0.05
#define PID_KD_REFLOW 350
#define PID_SAMPLE_TIME 1000

// ***** LCD MESSAGES *****
const char* lcdMessagesReflowStatus[] = {

// ***** DEGREE SYMBOL FOR LCD *****
unsigned char degree[8]  = {
  140, 146, 146, 140, 128, 128, 128, 128

// ***** PIN ASSIGNMENT *****
int ssrPin = 3;
int thermocoupleCSPin = 2;
int lcdRsPin = 10;
int lcdEPin = 9;
int lcdD4Pin = 8;
int lcdD5Pin = 7;
int lcdD6Pin = 6;
int lcdD7Pin = 5;
int buzzerPin = 14;
int switchPin = A1;

double setpoint;
double input;
double output;
double kp = PID_KP_PREHEAT;
double ki = PID_KI_PREHEAT;
double kd = PID_KD_PREHEAT;
int windowSize;
unsigned long windowStartTime;
unsigned long nextCheck;
unsigned long nextRead;
unsigned long updateLcd;
unsigned long timerSoak;
unsigned long buzzerPeriod;
unsigned char soakTemperatureMax;
unsigned char reflowTemperatureMax;
unsigned long soakMicroPeriod;
// Reflow oven controller state machine state variable
reflowState_t reflowState;
// Reflow oven controller status
reflowStatus_t reflowStatus;
// Reflow profile type
reflowProfile_t reflowProfile;
// Switch debounce state machine state variable
debounceState_t debounceState;
// Switch debounce timer
long lastDebounceTime;
// Switch press status
switch_t switchStatus;
switch_t switchValue;
switch_t switchMask;
// Seconds timer
int timerSeconds;
// Thermocouple fault status
unsigned char fault;

With all the variables created, we then create an instance of the PID, the LiquidCrystal, and the MAX31856 libraries after which we move to the void setup() function.

// PID control interface
PID reflowOvenPID(&input, &output, &setpoint, kp, ki, kd, DIRECT);
// LCD interface
LiquidCrystal lcd(lcdRsPin, lcdEPin, lcdD4Pin, lcdD5Pin, lcdD6Pin, lcdD7Pin);
// MAX31856 thermocouple interface
Adafruit_MAX31856 thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(thermocoupleCSPin);

We start the void setup() function by checking the currently selected reflow profile on the EEPROM this helps determine which of the variable groups should be selected. If no reflow profile was previously stored, the system selects the Leadfree profile as default.

void setup()
  // Check current selected reflow profile
  unsigned char value = EEPROM.read(PROFILE_TYPE_ADDRESS);
  if ((value == 0) || (value == 1))
    // Valid reflow profile value
    reflowProfile = value;
    // Default to lead-free profile
    reflowProfile = REFLOW_PROFILE_LEADFREE;

Next, we initialize the SSR pin to ensure the reflow oven is open after which we initialize the buzzer setting it to turn on immediately the system powers up.

// SSR pin initialization to ensure reflow oven is off
  digitalWrite(ssrPin, LOW);
  pinMode(ssrPin, OUTPUT);

  // Buzzer pin initialization to ensure annoying buzzer is off
  digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

  // LED pins initialization and turn on upon start-up (active high)
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

We also initialize the thermocouple, indicating the type, and also initialize the LCD and display a sort of splash screen with the date and version of the controller.

// Initialize thermocouple interface

  // Start-up splash
  digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
  lcd.begin(8, 2);
  lcd.createChar(0, degree);
  lcd.print(" Tiny  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print(" Reflow ");
  digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
  lcd.print(" v1.00  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

Next, we initialize serial communication, turn off the Status LED, and initialize the variables we will use to monitor time as the sketch runs.

// Serial communication at 115200 bps

  // Turn off LED (active high)
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  // Set window size
  windowSize = 2000;
  // Initialize time keeping variable
  nextCheck = millis();
  // Initialize thermocouple reading variable
  nextRead = millis();
  // Initialize LCD update timer
  updateLcd = millis();

With this done, we move to the void loop() function where all the major actions take place.

The code for the void loop() function is quite bulky but the idea is simple. We use the variables earlier created for time tracking to manage the reflow process, monitoring the amount of heat with the thermostat, and using that information as an input into the PID algorithm which then determines how the heater operates. For each stage in the reflow process, the PID operates in such a way that the designated amount of heat for that stage is achieved. While all of this is going on, the time and temperature information are also being displayed on the screen to provide visual feedback to the user and the switches which are used to set the reflow status and the reflow profile are also being watched so the system can act immediately on any change in their state.

void loop()
  // Current time
  unsigned long now;

  // Time to read thermocouple?
  if (millis() > nextRead)
    // Read thermocouple next sampling period
    // Read current temperature
    input = thermocouple.readThermocoupleTemperature();
    // Check for thermocouple fault
    fault = thermocouple.readFault();

    // If any thermocouple fault is detected
    if ((fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJRANGE) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCRANGE) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJHIGH) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJLOW) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCHIGH) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCLOW) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_OVUV) ||
        (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_OPEN))
      // Illegal operation
      reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_ERROR;
      reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_OFF;

  if (millis() > nextCheck)
    // Check input in the next seconds
    nextCheck += 1000;
    // If reflow process is on going
    if (reflowStatus == REFLOW_STATUS_ON)
      // Toggle red LED as system heart beat
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !(digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN)));
      // Increase seconds timer for reflow curve analysis
      // Send temperature and time stamp to serial
      // Turn off red LED
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  if (millis() > updateLcd)
    // Update LCD in the next 250 ms
    updateLcd += 250;
    // Clear LCD
    // Print current system state
    lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
    if (reflowProfile == REFLOW_PROFILE_LEADFREE)
    // Move the cursor to the 2 line
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

    // If currently in error state
    if (reflowState == REFLOW_STATE_ERROR)
      // Thermocouple error (open, shorted)
      lcd.print("TC Error");
      // Display current temperature

#if ARDUINO >= 100
      // Display degree Celsius symbol
      // Display degree Celsius symbol
      lcd.print(0, BYTE);
      lcd.print("C ");

  // Reflow oven controller state machine
  switch (reflowState)
      // If oven temperature is still above room temperature
      if (input >= TEMPERATURE_ROOM)
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_TOO_HOT;
        // If switch is pressed to start reflow process
        if (switchStatus == SWITCH_1)
          // Send header for CSV file
          // Intialize seconds timer for serial debug information
          timerSeconds = 0;
          // Initialize PID control window starting time
          windowStartTime = millis();
          // Ramp up to minimum soaking temperature
          setpoint = TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MIN;
          // Load profile specific constant
          if (reflowProfile == REFLOW_PROFILE_LEADFREE)
            soakTemperatureMax = TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MAX_LF;
            reflowTemperatureMax = TEMPERATURE_REFLOW_MAX_LF;
            soakMicroPeriod = SOAK_MICRO_PERIOD_LF;
            soakTemperatureMax = TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MAX_PB;
            reflowTemperatureMax = TEMPERATURE_REFLOW_MAX_PB;
            soakMicroPeriod = SOAK_MICRO_PERIOD_PB;
          // Tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
          reflowOvenPID.SetOutputLimits(0, windowSize);
          // Turn the PID on
          // Proceed to preheat stage
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_PREHEAT;

      reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_ON;
      // If minimum soak temperature is achieve
      if (input >= TEMPERATURE_SOAK_MIN)
        // Chop soaking period into smaller sub-period
        timerSoak = millis() + soakMicroPeriod;
        // Set less agressive PID parameters for soaking ramp
        reflowOvenPID.SetTunings(PID_KP_SOAK, PID_KI_SOAK, PID_KD_SOAK);
        // Ramp up to first section of soaking temperature
        // Proceed to soaking state
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_SOAK;

      // If micro soak temperature is achieved
      if (millis() > timerSoak)
        timerSoak = millis() + soakMicroPeriod;
        // Increment micro setpoint
        setpoint += SOAK_TEMPERATURE_STEP;
        if (setpoint > soakTemperatureMax)
          // Set agressive PID parameters for reflow ramp
          reflowOvenPID.SetTunings(PID_KP_REFLOW, PID_KI_REFLOW, PID_KD_REFLOW);
          // Ramp up to first section of soaking temperature
          setpoint = reflowTemperatureMax;
          // Proceed to reflowing state
          reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_REFLOW;

      // We need to avoid hovering at peak temperature for too long
      // Crude method that works like a charm and safe for the components
      if (input >= (reflowTemperatureMax - 5))
        // Set PID parameters for cooling ramp
        reflowOvenPID.SetTunings(PID_KP_REFLOW, PID_KI_REFLOW, PID_KD_REFLOW);
        // Ramp down to minimum cooling temperature
        setpoint = TEMPERATURE_COOL_MIN;
        // Proceed to cooling state
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_COOL;

      // If minimum cool temperature is achieve
      if (input <= TEMPERATURE_COOL_MIN)
        // Retrieve current time for buzzer usage
        buzzerPeriod = millis() + 1000;
        // Turn on buzzer to indicate completion
        digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
        // Turn off reflow process
        reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_OFF;
        // Proceed to reflow Completion state
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_COMPLETE;

      if (millis() > buzzerPeriod)
        // Turn off buzzer
        digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
        // Reflow process ended
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE;

      // If oven temperature drops below room temperature
      if (input < TEMPERATURE_ROOM)
        // Ready to reflow
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE;

      // Check for thermocouple fault
      fault = thermocouple.readFault();

      // If thermocouple problem is still present
      if ((fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJRANGE) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCRANGE) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJHIGH) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJLOW) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCHIGH) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCLOW) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_OVUV) ||
          (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_OPEN))
        // Wait until thermocouple wire is connected
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_ERROR;
        // Clear to perform reflow process
        reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE;

  // If switch 1 is pressed
  if (switchStatus == SWITCH_1)
    // If currently reflow process is on going
    if (reflowStatus == REFLOW_STATUS_ON)
      // Button press is for cancelling
      // Turn off reflow process
      reflowStatus = REFLOW_STATUS_OFF;
      // Reinitialize state machine
      reflowState = REFLOW_STATE_IDLE;
  // Switch 2 is pressed
  else if (switchStatus == SWITCH_2)
    // Only can switch reflow profile during idle
    if (reflowState == REFLOW_STATE_IDLE)
      // Currently using lead-free reflow profile
      if (reflowProfile == REFLOW_PROFILE_LEADFREE)
        // Switch to leaded reflow profile
        reflowProfile = REFLOW_PROFILE_LEADED;
      // Currently using leaded reflow profile
        // Switch to lead-free profile
        reflowProfile = REFLOW_PROFILE_LEADFREE;
  // Switch status has been read
  switchStatus = SWITCH_NONE;

  // Simple switch debounce state machine (analog switch)
  switch (debounceState)
      // No valid switch press
      switchStatus = SWITCH_NONE;

      switchValue = readSwitch();

      // If either switch is pressed
      if (switchValue != SWITCH_NONE)
        // Keep track of the pressed switch
        switchMask = switchValue;
        // Intialize debounce counter
        lastDebounceTime = millis();
        // Proceed to check validity of button press
        debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_CHECK;

      switchValue = readSwitch();
      if (switchValue == switchMask)
        // If minimum debounce period is completed
        if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > DEBOUNCE_PERIOD_MIN)
          // Valid switch press
          switchStatus = switchMask;
          // Proceed to wait for button release
          debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASE;
      // False trigger
        // Reinitialize button debounce state machine
        debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_IDLE;

      switchValue = readSwitch();
      if (switchValue == SWITCH_NONE)
        // Reinitialize button debounce state machine
        debounceState = DEBOUNCE_STATE_IDLE;

  // PID computation and SSR control
  if (reflowStatus == REFLOW_STATUS_ON)
    now = millis();


    if ((now - windowStartTime) > windowSize)
      // Time to shift the Relay Window
      windowStartTime += windowSize;
    if (output > (now - windowStartTime)) digitalWrite(ssrPin, HIGH);
    else digitalWrite(ssrPin, LOW);
  // Reflow oven process is off, ensure oven is off
    digitalWrite(ssrPin, LOW);

The complete code is attached along with the other files under the download section.

Programming the ATtiny1634R

The board provides a standard FTDI (or compatible) USB-serial 6-pin breakout which can be used to upload firmware to the onboard mcu. This can done through the Arduino IDE. The on-board ATtiny1634R microcontroller uses the ATtinyCore written by Spence Konde. All you have to do is to install the ATtinyCore through the Arduino IDE Boards Manager. Prior to this you will have to burn ATtinyCore bootloader to the mcu. You can use an AVRISP mkII (or any of the AVR programmer supported on the IDE) to program the bootloader onto the ATtiny1634R. To program the bootloader, you connect the standard 6-pin AVR ISP (2×3 pins 2.54 mm) to the AVRISP mkII programmer. Then you hit “burn bootloader” after selecting the correct board option. Once the bootloader is in, then you can use the FTDI USB-serial to upload code normally from Arduino IDE.

Once the ATtinyCore board package has been installed, you should select ATtiny1634 (Optiboot) with the 8 MHz internal clock:


The PCB version of the reflow controller comes with an FTDI interface through which it can be programmed so if you are building on a breaboard, ensure you make provision for that too.  Using a FTDI to USB Cable, connect the setup to your computer. Select the board type and upload the code to it. With this done, you can now connect your tiny reflow oven controller to your oven and power it on. You should see the splash come up with a screen similar to the image below.

Installation on the mini Oven

We have installed the Tiny Reflow controller v1 on our small modified oven. This was a small 600W oven with analog dials and thermostat and we added insulation and two additional heating elements of 300W each. So total power is now 1200W. This makes the oven more powerfull and it is now able to reach desired temperature easier than with the 600W heating elements. You can see the different of the 600W and 1200W performance on the following graphs.

Tiny Reflow v1 added to our 600W -> 1200W upgrated mini oven
Oven was upgraded to 1200W and insulated from inside. Here you see it with the door open and temperature sensor.
View of the additional bottom heating element (300W) modification and temperature sensor

Reflow Results

The Tiny Reflow provides some statistics on it’s RS-232 output. Use any serial terminal program at 115200 bps 8N1 configuration to collect the temperature information across time. Two plots of the reflow profiles are shown below. The first is before modifying and insulating the oven (600W) and the second if for the 1200W modified oven. As you can see on the second graph the total reflow time was about 415 sec while the first graph shows 500 sec. Also you can notice that the 1200W reflow profile achieved a better preheat temperatre slope than the 600W that means it reached the desired temperature more easily. The 600W oven was strungling to do.


Demo Video


You can go through this list curated by Rocket Stream to get suggestions on the best kind of ovens to use with the tiny reflow controller or visit their eshop to purchase an already assembled and tested board.

UPDATE 4/10/2019: This is a RETIRED product and was replaced by Tiny Reflow Controller V2.

That’s it for today’s tutorial. Thanks for reading.  As usual, feel free to reach out to me via the comment section if you have any question about the project and also let me know if you made one following this guide.

Xilinx Zynq® UltraScale+ MPSoCs Multiprocessors

Xilinx Zynq® UltraScale+ MPSoCs Multiprocessors feature 64-bit processor scalability that combines real-time control with soft and hard engines for graphics, video, waveform, and packet processing. The multiprocessor systems-on-chip devices are built on a common real-time processor and programmable logic-equipped platform. UltraScale+ MPSoC Multiprocessors consist of three distinct variants (dual-core, quad-core, and video code-c). Dual-core application processor-equipped (CG) devices are optimal for industrial motor control and sensor fusion. Quad-core application processor-equipped (EG) devices excel in wired and wireless infrastructure, data center, and Aerospace and Defense applications. Video codec-equipped (EV) devices are ideal for multimedia, Automotive ADAS, and surveillance applications.


  • Quad- or dual-core ARM Cortex A53 application processing unit
  • Dual-core ARM Cortex-R5 real-time processing unit
  • ARM Mali-400 MP2 graphics processing unit
  • Video codec unit
  • Xen Hypervisor enables multiple concurrent operating systems on the Cortex-A53 APU
  • Xilinx OpenAMP communicates and manages independent processors and software stacks
  • ARM-trusted firmware guarantees secure access and protect key system resources
  • Boot loaders manage system from power-on-reset with many advanced features including decryption and authentication
  • Dynamic power management
  • High-speed connectivity
  • Advanced security, safety, and reliability
  • Low-power 16nm FinFET+ FPGA Fabric from TSMC
  • Breakthrough interconnect bandwidth
  • Massive memory interface bandwidth
  • Enhanced DSP slices for diverse applications
  • Massive I/O bandwidth and protocol/optimized
  • Open-source operating systems
  • Development environment
  • QEMU emulation platform
  • Ecosystem support

To learn more about the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs, visit www.mouser.com/xilinx-zynq-ultrascale-mpsocs.

COMMELL unveiled Pico-ITX LP-178 based on Whiskey Lake-U processors

Taiwan Commate Computer Inc.(COMMELL), the worldwide leader of Industrial Single Board Computers, unveiled LP-178 Pico-ITX  based on Intel® 8th Gen. FCBGA1528 “Whiskey Lake”. The “Whiskey” PC is claimed to deliver better performance than a PC base on previous embedded U-series processors- enabled by 4 instead of 2 cores plus an overall improved micro architecture.  The 8th Gen. Core™ i7 U-series Mobile processor for IoT applications are feature rich delivering high performance per watt.

The COMMELL LP-178 platform provides excellent CPU, graphics, media performance, flexibility, and enhanced security, is ideally suited to applications requiring multi-tasking capabilities, such as gaming, surveillance, medical, defense, transportation and industrial automation application.

The LP-178 Pico-ITX is designed for the 8th generation Intel® Core™ i7-8665UE and Celeron® 4305UE processors. The Core™ i7 part has a 1.7GHz base clock with 8MB cache and a 4.4GHz max turbo frequency, and the Celeron® part has a 2.0GHz base clock with 2MB cache, both of them offer long-life availability. The LP-178 features one DDR4-2400 SO-DIMM slot for up to 16GB of memory(Celeron® 4305UE up to DDR4-2133 16GB). The platform is based on Intel® Generation 9.5 HD Graphics GPU, Displays can be connected via 1 LVDS from ADP-3460 module, 1 HDMI and one DP port onboard, up to three displays can be controlled simultaneously.

Specifications listed for the LP-178 include:

  • Processor — Intel 8th Gen “Whiskey Lake” UE-series (FCBGA1528 package) with Intel Gen 9.5 HD Graphics (24 EU) and 15W TDP (configurable TDP of 12.5W to 25W); defaults to:
    • Core i7-8665UE — 4x octa-threaded cores @ 1.7GHz (4.4GHz Turbo); 8MB cache; Graphics 620
    • Celeron 4305UE — 2x cores @ 2.0GHz; 2MB cache; Graphics 610
  • Memory — up to 16GB of DDR4 via single socket (2400MHz on i7-8665UE, 2133MHz on 4305UE)
  • Storage — SATA 3.0
  • Networking — 2x Gigabit Ethernet ports (Intel I210-AT and 1219LM with AMT 12.0)
  • Display/media:
    • HDMI port
    • DisplayPort
    • LVDS (18/24-bit, single/dual channel) via converter module or optional DP-to-VGA
    • Triple display support
    • Realtek ALC262 HD audio mic-in, line-out interfaces
  • Other I/O:
    • 2x USB 3.1 Gen 2 host ports
    • 2x USB 2.0
    • 2x RS232
    • PS/2, LPC, SPI, SMBus, fan
  • Expansion — M.2 E-key 2230 slot for WiFi/Bluetooth
  • Other features — Watchdog; RTC with battery
  • Power — 12V DC
  • Operating temperatures — 0 to 60°C
  • Dimensions — 100 x 72mm (Pico-ITX form factor)
  • Operating system — Linux or Windows 10

LP-178 offers lots of features including high-speed data transfer interfaces such as 2 x USB3.1 and 1 x SATAIII, equipped with dual Gigabit Ethernet ( 1 x Intel® I219-LM Gigabit PHY LAN with iAMT 12.0 supported and 1 x Intel® I210-AT Gigabit LAN), and comes with  2 x RS232, 2 x USB2.0, Intel® High Definition Audio, 1 M.2 Key E for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, 12V DC input.

No pricing or availability information was provided for the LP-178. More information may be found in Commell’s LP-178 announcement and product page.

The easy way to create secure IoT device connections to Amazon Web Services

Renesas Electronics’ new RX65N Cloud Kit provides a simple, application-ready platform for the development of IoT sensor devices which connect to the cloud via Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The kit features an RX65N microcontroller, on-board Wi-Fi® wireless connectivity, environmental, light and inertial sensors, and support for Amazon’s FreeRTOS real-time operating system.

Future Electronics is now offering RN65N Cloud Kits free to qualified customers. Apply today and get started quickly with your new cloud-connected product development.

The RX65N kit provides a ready-made, secure connection to AWS. In Renesas’ e2 studio IDE, developers can create IoT applications by configuring Amazon FreeRTOS, all the necessary drivers, and the network stack and component libraries.

The e2 studio IDE enables designers to develop IoT applications with powerful features, creating Amazon FreeRTOS projects from a GitHub directory and immediately building them.

In the IDE, they can also set up an Amazon FreeRTOS network stack and component libraries, such as Device Shadow, without requiring detailed knowledge of the system. They can embed additional functions based on Amazon FreeRTOS, such as USB connectivity and a file system, on an IoT endpoint device.



  • 32-bit, 120MHz RX65N MCU
  • Silex Wi-Fi connectivity chipset on a Pmod module
  • Cloud Option Board with:
  • Two USB ports for serial communications and debugging
  • Digital light sensor for ambient/infrared light measurement
  • MEMS accelerometer/gyroscope
  • MEMS gas, temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor


  • Industrial automation
  • Building automation
  • Home appliances
  • Smart meters

The RX65N Cloud Kit provides an excellent evaluation and prototyping environment for sensor-based IoT endpoint equipment. Developers can also use Renesas’ browser-based software to visualize their sensor data on a cloud dashboard.

Marktech reflective sensors feature 0.5-1.5mm short detection distance

Marktech Optoelectronics has announced the expansion of its surface-mount family of SWIR reflective sensors.

The sensors are suitable for position sensing and detection applications, including card, barcode, edge sensing and money bill readers. Marktech surface-mount SWIR reflective sensors combine both a short wavelength infrared emitter and a high-sensitivity InGaAs photodiode. Emitted light from the sensor is reflected back to the detector side as an object enters the sensing area, with an optimal short detection distance of 0.5-1.5mm.

The series is offered in six standard models, each with its own peak emission wavelength from 1040-1625nm. They are offered in 4-pad SMD black moulded housing. The black housings are designed to help reduce the risks of measurement uncertainty created by external ambient light effects. The series’ overall footprint measures 5.1×3.3mm. Units are both REACH and RoHS compliant.

Small-to-medium sized quantities of standard surface-mount SWIR reflective sensors are typically available with 24-hour shipment from stock through Digi-Key Electronics. Sensor customization is also available upon request, in quantities ranging from prototypes to OEM volumes.

For more information about surface mount SWIR reflective sensor offerings, or other products available from Marktech Optoelectronics, visit www.marktechopto.com.

First 8-pin STM32 MCUs for smaller and more power-efficient smart objects

STM32G0 Entry-level Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCUs

The new STM32G0 Series is not simply another Arm® Cortex®-M0+ microcontroller. It sets a new definition of what an efficient microcontroller must offer. This is all about best optimization, down to each and every detail, to offer the best value for your money and allow you to achieve your goals with the minimum BOM cost and the maximum flexibility for upgrades.

  • The STM32G0x0 Value line is highly competitive in traditional 8-bit and 16-bit markets and embeds an accurate internal clock allowing further cost saving. It eliminates the need to manage different architectures and the associated development overhead.
  • The STM32G0x1 line provides upgraded features in analog and is IoT ready with upgraded security functions. It offers a wide range of memory sizes, voltage and packages, bringing flexibility to cost-sensitive applications.

The STM32G0 Series enables the one-architecture-fits-all concept and is ready for tomorrow’s needs.

Efficient, robust and simple, the STM32G0 series is available with 16 to 512 Kbytes of Flash memory in 8- to 100-pin packages, satisfying the needs of a large variety of applications and segments.

Chirp and Linkplay Deliver a Turnkey Solution for Frictionless Audio-Based Provisioning of Smart Devices

Combining embedded data-over-sound with cornerstone Wi-Fi audio technology for enhanced connectivity of smart consumer applications.

Chirp, a pioneer of data-over-sound technology and Linkplay Technology, a leader in Wi-Fi audio solutions have today announced a technical partnership, delivering a turnkey solution for the frictionless, audio-based provisioning of smart-enabled consumer applications.

Chirp’s ultrasonic machine-to-machine communications software enables any device with a loudspeaker or microphone to exchange data via inaudible sound waves. Working like an audio QR code, the technology sends data seamlessly over sound waves to enhance end-user experiences and add value to existing hardware. As a leader in integrated Wi-Fi audio technology, Linkplay works closely with device owners to integrate cost effective, smart solutions into audio-enabled devices and create compelling user experiences at scale.

Leveraging Chirp’s ultrasonic audio protocol, smart-enabled devices integrated with Linkplay’s comprehensive set of Wi-Fi Audio modules can utilise audio-based data transfer capabilities to enable seamless provisioning for consumer applications in close proximity, without the need for additional hardware.

Combining the capabilities of embedded data-over-sound with Linkplay’s cornerstone Wi-Fi audio technology, the two companies have delivered a software-defined connectivity solution which removes any device set up, pairing or configuration requirements to facilitate secure, seamless network provisioning.

Chirp’s data-over-sound technology will encode credentials into an inaudible tone, which is then transmitted to a microphone or speaker already built in to a smart-enabled device. This data is then received over audio and the device is connected to a network, enabling frictionless user experiences at scale across a range of modern CE applications. Integrating Chirp’s SDK into Linkplay’s Wi-Fi Audio modules will add further connectivity capabilities to a range of audio-enabled consumer hardware, such as smart speakers, TVs and home control systems. Removing the need for additional hardware, the partnership delivers a robust and cost-effective provisioning solution for third party OEMs without additions to their bill of materials.

“Chirp’s software-defined data-over-sound offering presents an extremely novel approach to provisioning smart-enabled devices. Delivering cost-effective device-to-device connectivity at scale remains an inherent challenge for many CE device manufacturers today. Combining the power of data-over-sound with our portfolio of WiFi audio solutions, we can provide a scalable turnkey solution which eliminates device provisioning challenges to not only enrich the user experience, but support manufacturers with the continued development of their audio products.” commented Lifeng Zhao, CEO of Linkplay.

“Audio continues its prevalence as a highly advantageous form of connectivity within the smart device landscape, commented James Nesfield, CEO of Chirp. “Partnering with Linkplay to introduce the capabilities of data-over-sound across a vast range of audio-enabled devices further establishes the technology’s position as a vehicle for enhanced connectivity between modern consumer applications. We look forward to seeing the value that our technical partnership delivers for Linkplay customers when advancing the connectivity of modern devices and ultimately, elevating the end-user experience.”

A video demonstration can be found here.

For more information, visit https://chirp.io and https://linkplay.com/

Rock Pi 4C SBC to Support Dual Display Setups via micro HDMI and mini DP Ports

Rockchip RK3399 powered Rock Pi 4 SBC was introduced at the end of 2018 and followed nearly exactly Raspberry Pi 3 Model B form factor just with a more powerful processor, GPU, as well as more memory depending on which model you purchase.

In June 2019, the Raspberry Pi foundation launched Raspberry Pi 4 SBC with a much faster processor and many of the same ports as its predecessor except for support for two HDMI displays via micro HDMI ports. Radxa has now followed with Rock Pi 4C which offers two modern video outputs, but with a twist as the upcoming SBC combines one micro HDMI port with one mini DP port.

The company explains Rock Pi 4B uses RK3399’s USB type-C controller for the two USB 3.0 ports, and as a result, they only have 2 remaining lanes for DisplayPort which they routed to a mini DP port supporting up to 2560 x 1440 resolution at 60 Hz on DisplayPort 1.2 monitors. The HDMI port still supports 3840×2160 @ 60 Hz but the full-size HDMI port has been replaced by a micro HDMI port due to space constraints.

Rock Pi 4C preliminary specifications:

  • SoC – Rockchip RK3399 big.LITTLE hexa-core processor with  2x Arm Cortex-A72 @ up to 1.8 GHz, 4x Cortex-A53 @ up to 1.4 GHz, a Mali-T864 GPU with support OpenGL ES1.1/2.0/3.0/3.1, OpenVG1.1, OpenCL, DX11, and AFBC, and a VPU with 4K VP9 and 4K 10-bit H265/H264 decoding
  • System Memory – 64-bit 4GB LPDDR4 @ 3200 Mbps (single chip)
  • Storage – eMMC module socket, micro SD card slot up to 128GB, 4-lane M.2 NVMe SSD socket
  • Video Output / Display Interface
    • micro HDMI 2.0a up to 4K @ 60 Hz
    • mini DP 1.2 up to 2560 x 1440 @ 60 Hz
    • 2-lane MIPI DSI via FPC connector
    • Dual independent display support
  • Audio – Via HDMI and 3.5mm audio jack; HD codec supporting up to 24-bit/96Khz audio
  • Camera – MIPI-CSI2 connector for camera up to 8MP
  • Connectivity – Gigabit Ethernet with PoE support (additional HAT required), 802.11ac WiFi 5, Bluetooth 5.0 with on-board antenna
  • USB – 1x USB 3.0 host port, 1x USB 3.0 OTG port, 2x USB 2.0 host ports
  • Expansion
    • 40-pin expansion header with 1x UART, 2x SPI bus, 2x I2C bus,  1x PCM/I2S, 1x SPDIF, 1x PWM, 1x ADC, 6x GPIO, and power signals (5V, 3.3V, and GND)
  • Misc – RTC
  • Power Supply – Via USB-C port supporting USB PD 2.0 (9V/2A, 12V/2A, 15V/2A, or 20V/2A) and Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0/.0 (9V/2A, 12V/1.5A).
  • Dimensions – 85 x 54 mm

Rock Pi 4C board will only come with 4GB RAM, as the option for 1 or 2GB RAM will not be offered since they change to a new 64-bit single-chip 4GB LPDDR4 RAM for easier manufacturing and quality assurance. Software support remains the same with Android TV, Android, Debian Desktop and Ubuntu Server operating systems handled by Radxa, and there are also third-party images such as Armbian, RecalBox or LibreELEC.

Rock Pi 4C will launch at the end of this month, and the price will be the same as for the equivalent Rock Pi 4B model, meaning $75 excluding shipping and taxes.

via www.cnx-software.com

Streamline the signal chain in factory automation

Simplify precision measurements of ±20 mV to ±20 V FSR with the ADS125H02 – the first high-input impedance delta-sigma ADC

The ADS125H02 is a ±20-V input, 24-bit, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ADC features a low-noise programmable gain amplifier (PGA), an internal reference, clock oscillator, and signal or reference out-of-range monitors.

The integration of a wide input range, ±18-V PGA and an ADC into a single package reduces board area up to 50% compared to discrete solutions.

Programmable gain of 0.125 to 128 (corresponding to an equivalent input range from ±20 V to ±20 mV) eliminates the need for an external attenuator or external gain stages. 1-GΩ minimum input impedance reduces error caused by sensor loading. Additionally, the low noise and low drift performance allow direct connections to bridge, resistance temperature detector (RTD), and thermocouple sensors.

The digital filter attenuates 50-Hz and 60-Hz line cycle noise for data rates ≤ 50 SPS or 60 SPS to reduce measurement error. The filter also provides no-latency conversion data for high data throughput during channel sequencing.

The ADS125H02 is housed in a 5-mm × 5-mm VQFN package and is fully specified over the –40°C to +125°C temperature range.

> Click here to learn more

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