Kryptro FPGA allows third-party verification using hardware encryption

Kryptro FPGA allows third-party verification using hardware encryption

Kryptor is a (Field Programmable Gate Array) FPGA board that comes with the different functionalities needed to aid data encryption. The board is an HSM (Hardware Security Module) that protects and manages digital keys for strong authentication. The board has been designed to support...

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Meet I-Pi SMARC, the Industrial-Ready Prototyping Platform from ADLINK

Meet I-Pi SMARC, the Industrial-Ready Prototyping Platform from ADLINK

One of the major barriers to developing industrial applications is usually the complexity and cost of the development/prototyping platforms. A lot of SOMs, SOCs and board manufacturers, including ADLINK, have taken stabs at this problem with different solutions. Leveraging on the...

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ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)

ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)

I’m a big fan of the ESP32 boards because of the number of communication options they managed to squeeze on the board, but I became more impressed recently when I came across the TTGO LoRa32 development boards which adds LoRa to the onboard communication features of the ESP32. The...

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ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)

ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)

I'm a big fan of the ESP32 boards because of the number of communication options they managed to squeeze on the board, but I became more impressed recently when I came across the TTGO LoRa32 development boards which adds LoRa to the onboard communication features of the ESP32. The...

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ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1

ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1

A few years back I wrote this tutorial on connected weather monitor with plans of creating a 3D printed enclosure to make it portable and easy to use. I never got around doing that but a few days ago, I came across a similar project built by BitsandBlobs, which went as far as creating the...

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Video Streaming Server on ESP32-CAM

Video Streaming Server on ESP32-CAM

A while back, I noticed an ESP32 based Camera board called the ESP32-CAM on, and planned on getting one to play with but didn't get the chance until recently when I saw a tutorial by Rui Santos based on the board. I feel its a nice board and today's tutorial will focus on...

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Seeeduino Crypto Board features ATmega4809 & ECC608

Seeeduino Crypto Board features ATmega4809 & ECC608

As the name indicates, this board is born for encryption. Seeeduino Crypto is based on high-performance ATmega4809 and featured with Microchip ECC608 crypto chip. With the help of the ECC608 crypto chip, you can experience encrypted communication, such as I2C encryption. Along...

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Meet the STM32 “Black Pill” Development Board

Meet the STM32 “Black Pill” Development Board

After playing second (maybe third?) fiddle for a while to a range of maker-friendly boards from Arduino and others, STMicro finally got it right with the STM32F103C8T6 Arm Cortex-M3 microcontroller-based "BluePill" development board which can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. As all...

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