Arduino Nokia 5110 Tutorial #2- Displaying Customized Graphics

Arduino Nokia 5110 Tutorial #2- Displaying Customized Graphics

Introduction In one of our previous tutorials we did an introduction on how to use the Nokia 5110 LCD  with the Arduino, the tutorial covered displaying texts with different fonts etc. For this tutorial, we are taking things a little bit further and will be working through the display...

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Arduino Breathalyzer Using MQ3 Gas sensor and OLED Display

Arduino Breathalyzer Using MQ3 Gas sensor and OLED Display

A breathalyzer is a generalized trademarked name for devices used for determining blood alcohol content from a breath sample. This means the device can detect from your breadth, the amount of alcohol you have taken. This device becomes very useful when you consider several cases of...

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Arduino Breathalyzer Using MQ3  Gas sensor and OLED Display

Arduino Breathalyzer Using MQ3 Gas sensor and OLED Display

Introduction Hi guys, Welcome to this tutorial. Today we will build a breathalyzer using the MQ3 gas sensor, an OLED display and Arduino. A breathalyzer is a generalized trademarked name for  devices used for determining blood alcohol content from a breath sample. This means the...

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Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 Pin Shield

Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 Pin Shield

Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 PIN development shield is an extension for Arduino Nano. This project is useful to create many projects using PIC40/28PIN shield published on, refer to schematic and connection diagram to use this shield. Two on board regulators are provided...

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Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 Pin Shield

Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 Pin Shield

Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 PIN development shield is an extension for Arduino Nano. This project is useful to create many projects using PIC40/28PIN shield published on, refer to schematic and connection diagram to use this shield. Two on board regulators are...

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Distance Measuring Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano Using GP2Y0D810Z0F

Distance Measuring Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano Using GP2Y0D810Z0F

The project published here is a distance measuring sensor shield for Arduino Nano including power driver BJT transistor to drive a load like solenoid, motor or LED. This project can be used as Arduino shield or as stand-alone sensor. GP2Y0D810Z0F from Sharp is heart of the project, The...

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Distance Measuring Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano Using GP2Y0D810Z0F

Distance Measuring Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano Using GP2Y0D810Z0F

The project published here is a distance measuring sensor shield for Arduino Nano including power driver BJT transistor to drive a load like solenoid, motor or LED. This project can be used as Arduino shield or as stand-alone sensor. GP2Y0D810Z0F from Sharp is heart of the project,...

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Rotary Encoder with Arduino and Nokia 5110 LCD Tutorial

Rotary Encoder with Arduino and Nokia 5110 LCD Tutorial

Introduction Today we will take a look at using a rotary encoder with Arduino and displaying rotation data on the Nokia 5110 LCD display. A rotary encoder is an electro-mechanical device that converts angular position or the rotation of a shaft into analog or digital values. They are...

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