External Hardware Monitor

External Hardware Monitor

Vincenzopaolo FlameE @ instructables.com shows us how to create an external hardware monitor based on Arduino and Nokia LCD display. Communication with the PC is done using Visual Basic program. Hi guys! Today I will show you how create an external hardware monitor with any Arduino...

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Mini Arduino Lux Meter

Mini Arduino Lux Meter

Here is a nice build of a LUX meter using BH1750 sensor and a Nokia 5110 LCD. The meter is controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini and is powered by a Li-Ion battery. The LCD backlight is controlled according to environment light and there is graphing capability of the measured light...

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Smart Battery Charger

Smart Battery Charger

gfwilliams @ instructables.com has build a smart battery charger that is able to individually charge each battery , automatically discharge them and give you an idea of their capacity. The charger is controlled by an Espruino Pico and results are displayed on a Nokia 5110 LCD...

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Arduino IR thermometer using the MLX90614 IR temperature sensor

Arduino IR thermometer using the MLX90614 IR temperature sensor

In this video we learn how to build a very usefull project. An Infrared thermometer, using the MLX90614 IR temperature sensor and the a Nokia 5110 LCD display shield. We are also using an Arduino Uno but you can use any Arduino board you like. Arduino IR thermometer using the...

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DIY Capacitance Meter

DIY Capacitance Meter

electro-labs.com published another great project based on Atmega328P: We are building another opensource SoloPCB project which is very enjoyable to build and use. In our electronics works, we frequently need to know the actual value of a capacitor. As you know, small sized SMD...

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ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1

ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1

A few years back I wrote this tutorial on connected weather monitor with plans of creating a 3D printed enclosure to make it portable and easy to use. I never got around doing that but a few days ago, I came across a similar project built by BitsandBlobs, which went as far as creating the...

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Arduino RFID Reader using the ArduiTouch MKR Enclosure

Arduino RFID Reader using the ArduiTouch MKR Enclosure

RFID based projects are one of the most popular Arduino projects out there and we have also built a couple of them here too, but I recently came across an RFID access control project by hwhardsoft that was built using the ArduiTouch MKR enclosures. The ready-made nature of the enclosures...

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New and Improved Geiger Counter – Now With WiFi!

New and Improved Geiger Counter – Now With WiFi!

In one of our previous tutorials, we examined the development of a DIY-Geiger Counter showing the efforts of "Instructable" user Prabhat who combined the ESP8266 with a touch screen display to create a truly intuitive version of his Geiger Counter. He recently created an updated version...

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