FeatherS2 – ESP32-S2 based development board in Adafruit Feather form factor

FeatherS2 – ESP32-S2 based development board in Adafruit Feather form factor

So far, there have been quite a number of development boards following Adafruit Feather format with products, like the QuickFeather Cortex-M4 + FPGA board and nRF9160 Feather providing LTE IoT & GPS connectivity. Added to the list now is the new FeatherS2 that is based on...

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TDK announces that SmartBug™ intelligent multi-sensor IoT module is now available globally

TDK announces that SmartBug™ intelligent multi-sensor IoT module is now available globally

TDK announces worldwide availability of the InvenSense SmartBug, a compact, wireless multi-sensor solution designed for a plethora of commercial and consumer IoT applications. The out-of-the-box solution enables quick and easy access to reliable and smart sensor data without the need...

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TTGO ESP32-S2 WiFi IoT Board offers an Optional MicroSD Card with a Battery Support

TTGO ESP32-S2 WiFi IoT Board offers an Optional MicroSD Card with a Battery Support

For a while now, most popular ESP32-S2 boards available in the market are produced by Espressif Systems. This includes the ESP32-S2-Saola-1 and ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1. However, there is a new LilyGO TTGO ESP32-S2 board for sale. This micro board is much the same to the ESP32-S2-Saola-1...

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Top 10 Popular Microcontrollers Among Makers

Top 10 Popular Microcontrollers Among Makers

At the heart of any embedded electronics device, either on a DIY or professional product level is a microcontroller. They run the codes/firmware that helps developers obtain inputs from sensors and tie it to actions executed through actuators. While they are usually developed as...

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ESP32-Vaquita-DSPG Board with SDK For Alexa Built-In IoT Devices With Seamless Voice Integration

ESP32-Vaquita-DSPG Board with SDK For Alexa Built-In IoT Devices With Seamless Voice Integration

Since the recent move by Espressif Systems to go into mass production of the ESP32-S2 SoCs, modules and development boards, we have been seeing quite a number of arrivals from the company, one of which was the very first ESP32-based development board, the ESP32-S2-Saola-1 development...

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Meet the ESP32-S2 based SOC, WROOM and WROVER Module
IoTTop Stories

Meet the ESP32-S2 based SOC, WROOM and WROVER Module

ESP32-S2 WiFi SoC by Espressif Systems was first unveiled in May last year before its first internal development boards and datasheet were later showcased sometime in September but since the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic, progress on the board has really gone down the lane....

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ESP32-S2 Processor Datasheet Released, Development Boards Unveiled
IoTTop Stories

ESP32-S2 Processor Datasheet Released, Development Boards Unveiled

Since the launch of the ESP-01, the ESP series of WiFi modules and WiFi-enabled microcontrollers have endeared themselves to the heart of both hobbyist and electronics design professionals. They have been used for all sorts of projects and while users are still praising the impressive...

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Getting Started with ESP32

Getting Started with ESP32

Over the last few articles, we have covered the use of ESP8266 boards for building several WiFi based projects. For today’s tutorial, we will look at it's recently released successor; the ESP32. As mentioned in previous tutorials, ESP-12e module popularly referred as the...

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